Film screening

Film screening of two short ethnographic films: Inge Daniels' She Waves At Me and Lotta Granbom's Anders båtbyggeri i Ekenäs

‘She Waves At Me’ is a short ethnographic film about aging bodies in aging buildings directed by Inge Daniels, Professor of Anthropology at the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography at the University of Oxford. The film forms an integral part of Disobedient Buildings, an AHRC-funded project, that uses visual ethnography to explore housing, welfare and well being in European tower blocks.

Inge Daniels, the Principal Investigator on the Disobedient Buildings project, will contextualise, screen and discuss the film, which is based on 2 years of ethnographic fieldwork (combined with a range of experimental methods) conducted in central London at the height of the pandemic between July 2020 and June 2022. The film focuses on one of the key themes that developed during the research; the elderly, care and housing. ‘She Waves At Me’ juxtaposes the intricate care that goes into maintaining aging buildings and their surroundings with elderly inhabitants’ struggles and strategies to create safe and comfortable homes for themselves and their loved ones.

For more information, read up on the Disobedient Buildings project or Inge Daniels' profile at the University of Oxford.


Anders båtbyggeri i Ekenäs är en kortfilm av Lotta Granbom om Anders båtbyggeri-hantverk och yrkesskicklighet som i generationer förts vidare från far till son. Denna epok och kunnande är nu över då det är dags för sista generationens båtbyggare Anders att gå i pension, men så en dag dyker något oväntat i båtverkstan upp.

Temat för filmen är vår tids konsumtion och effekterna av rationalisering på arbetsplatser och vilka konsekvenser detta kan få för människors välmående. Filmens tema har samma beröringspunkter som etnografiska museets utställning ”Allt hänger samman”. Den speglar förändring av sociala relationer på arbetsplatsen.  



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