Microsoft 365 is a software suite that contains a variety of software and tools that are all integrated with each other. The Office suite with Word, Excel and Powerpoint is perhaps the best known part, but there is much more. A big advantage is that the programs are made to work together, which among other things makes it easier to find things and documentation from meetings is available to all meeting participants in a seamless way.

Microsoft 365 has been discussed at management level within the university for some time. Previous initiatives to introduce MS365 have not been completed for various reasons, but the time is now right for an introduction at Stockholm University. The university management team has agreed that a selection of MS365 products will be gradually introduced as other licenses expire. The university has been offering Office 365 to students for many years, and now it’s time to offer the same services to the university staff members.

How will it work?

The introduction of MS365 will be gradual, with different MS365 products being phased in as licenses for different software expire or products reach the end of their life cycle. At present it hasn't been decided exactly which ones and when. No decision has yet been made to replace Zoom with Teams, for example.

MS365 is expected to bring increased cost efficiency for the entire university as several existing solutions with overlapping functionality can be replaced. It will also enable the organisation to meet the legal requirements for IT and information security.

There will be extra support during the implementation to ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible for all employees at the university.

When will it happen?

Microsoft 365 will be introduced gradually starting in the fall of 2023 and last for the next one to two years.