Responsible unit: Human Resources Office

Contact: Kamila Jonsson

(The document has been reviewed in June 2024.
2020: The title Vice-Chancellor has been changed to President.
2021: The wording head of department/equivalent refers to head of department, director subordinate to the dean, and/or head of office within the university´s administration.)



Work and study are not compatible with the consumption of alcohol or other drugs.

The consumption of alcohol or other drugs outside working hours must also not affect safety, productivity and wellbeing in the workplace.

If a problem arises relating to the use/abuse of alcohol or other drugs, it is vital to deal with such problems both swiftly and professionally.


The heads of department (or equivalent) have been delegated responsibility by the Vice-Chancellor for working environment issues concerning their own department. This means that heads of department are ultimately responsible for ensuring that no alcohol or other drugs are brought to the workplace. Heads of department are also responsible for ensuring that routines are in place concerning how staff and students with incipient drug or alcohol problems can be identified at an early stage and what subordinate managers and members of staff should do in the event of drug or alcohol abuse the workplace.

Every manager – regardless of their position within the organisation – also has a responsibility to intervene in the event of drug or alcohol abuse at the workplace.

Fellow employees and students should take action
Anyone who discovers that a fellow employee or student has an alcohol or drug problem should inform their head of department/manager/lecturer as soon as possible. Remaining silent out of loyalty can make the problem worse.


The Human Resources Manager issues detailed guidelines on what heads of department and office managers should do if they suspect drug or alcohol abuse the workplace.