

As an employee, you should be familiar with the University´s environmental management system and environmental policy.

In addition, you should be aware of other policies, procedures and guidelines concerning your work, such as our waste management procedures and travel policy.

You should report environmental non-conformancec and suggest improvements. This is done in SAMIR, the University´s database for reporting incidents, accidents and non-conformances relating to security, work  environment and the environment.

Your department/equivqlent has developed environmental objectives and an actionplan for the local environmental objectives and an actionplan for the local environmental work. You are expected to help achive these objectives, in addition to the University´s central environmental objectives and action plan adopted by the Vice-Chancellor.

Your responsibilities relating to the environmental work:

  •     To be familiar with the University’s environmental policy.
  •     To comply with the University’s environmental procedures and guidelines, as well as any environmental laws relating to your work.
  •     To help the department/equivalent and the University achieve the environmental objectives and implement the environmental action plans.