
A destruction certificate must be issued for narcotics listed in the Swedish Medical Products Agency’s Regulation LVFS 2011:10 (approx. 300 substances). Select the consolidated version for the most updated list!:

A destruction certificate must also be issued for category 1 narcotic chemicals/precursors: (

N-Acetylanthranilic acid (2-Acetamidobenzoic acid) Lysergic acid
Ephedrine                                                                     3,4-Methylenedioxyphenylpropane-2-one
Ergometrine                                                                 Norephedrine
Ergotamine                                                                   Piperonal
1-Phenyl-2-propanone (Phenylacetone)                       Pseudoephedrine
alpha-Phenylacetoacetonitril                                        Safrole
Isosafrol (cis + trans)                                                  

A template for the destruction certificate can be found under “How to do” at Sustainable campus web


Narcotics can be deposited in their original container if the packaging and seal are intact and the content is clearly stated on the label Three copies of the certificate should be made and staff from the University´s waste contractor for hazardous waste shall sign all of them. One signed copy must be sent to Mats Hansson, Section for safety and security,, one copy provided the waste contractor for hazardous waste and one copy retained by the department.


Stockholm University waste label filled in with:

  • Narkotikaklassat alt. Narkotikakemikalier/Drugs: (x)
  • Type of waste, specification:
  • Submitting department, department number and reference
  • Submitter’s name, phone no and date

Also attach a copy of the destruction certificate to the waste container.


Waste is submitted to the waste contractor in room M212 at KÖL (Chemical Education Laboratories), Svante Arrhenius väg 16F on the same day as the waste contractor has a collection. Contact the University´s waste contractor for hazardous waste for a date/time. The waste contractor then transports the waste for destruction. The transport is covered by transport protection under MSBFS 2015:1.

Final disposal

Combustion arranged by the waste contractor.

Specific legislation

SFS 1992:860      Act on the Control of Narcotic Drugs

SFS 1992:1554    Ordinance on the Control of Narcotic Drugs

LVFS 2011:9      Control of Narcotic Drugs

LVFS 2011:10    List of Narcotic Drugs