Which journals are included?

The agreement includes unlimited open access publishing in most of Springer Nature's journals with some exceptions.

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How do I proceed as a corresponding author?

When submitting a manuscript to a Springer Nature journal, make sure that:

  • You are the corresponding author. (There can be several corresponding authors indicated on the manuscript. But the corresponding author eligible for open access funding within the agreement needs to be the author who handles the manuscript and correspondence during the publication process)
  • You state your Stockholm University affiliation.
  • You use your SU email address.

Once your article has been accepted, Springer Nature will send you a link to the MyPublication form. There you will be asked to state your affiliation from a list of institutions. Choose Stockholm University and use your SU email address. 

The library will then verify your affiliation. Once the verification is complete the article will be open access immediately at the time of publication.

What’s included?

Articles will be published with a CC BY license. More information on CC BY licenses.

The following article types are included:

  • In Nature and Nature Research Journals authors can publish ”Original Paper”, also called: Analysis, Article, Letter, Brief Communication, Registered Report, Resource, Technical Report 
  • In other journals authors can publish: Original Papers, Review Papers, Brief Communications, Continuous Education

What’s not included?

Additional charges associated with the printed journal, such as color figures or offprints.

Do you need help?

Contact the library at openaccess@su.se