At the request of the Vice-Chancellor, the Head of Security at Stockholm University has developed a crisis plan.


The Head of Department/equivalent person must know how the crisis plan for Stockholm University works in general and what is expected of her/him in a crisis situation. The plan states that depending on the incident, each Head of Department/equivalent person may be called upon to participate in the work of the crisis management group and lead parts of the operational crisis work related to her/his own department.

This means that for each department/unit, some form of action plan must be drawn up to deal with various crisis situations that may occur. Examples of crises include power outages, data loss, accidents involving serious personal injury, explosions/fire, death, hostage situations, threats and violence.

The action plan should include phone lists, step-by-step instructions, who should be contacted in the event of various incidents, what should be prioritised, etc. Based on this plan, each Head of Department/equivalent person can add or remove action points depending on their own activities. It is of great importance that all staff are familiar with the action plan and know who to contact in the event of a crisis.

The opportunity for training in basic crisis management (including the presentation of various types of action plans) can be offered at cost price.