Universitetsdirektör Åsa Borin
University Director Åsa Borin. Photo: Rickard Kilström

There was a guiding motto for the work to develop the new staff web: “Simpler, more efficient, and more secure”. As an employee, it should be easier to navigate the web pages and search for information. It is also now easier for web editors to work in the system, thus streamlining the creation of quality content. The revamped staff web has been developed in our new and modern web publishing system, Sitevision. The system is both better suited to its purpose and more compliant with, e.g., the rules on digital accessibility, information security, and developability. As a result, we now have a more secure and reliable staff web pages. That is especially reassuring in this era of ever-present cyber threats.

The launch of the new Swedish staff web marks another step in SU’s digitalisation. As is stated in the University’s Digitalisation Plan, digitalisation should be seen as forward-looking and continuous improvement work. This work has a clear goal: to use digital technology to develop, improve and/or streamline processes or entire organisations – in my interpretation, to make our everyday lives easier. As with all new things, we should expect a “learning curve”. It may prove challenging, but also has the potential for personal and professional growth. 

Now that the Swedish-language staff web has been launched, our efforts will focus on developing our English staff web, with the goal to launch its first version this summer. All information on the departments’ web pages will also be migrated to our new web publishing system. This project aims not to redesign the web pages, but to move information from one system to another. We have countless web pages full of information, so even if this is “just” a move, it is still a huge job that will continue into 2025. Once that is done, we will finally be able to shut down our old web publishing system, which is well past retirement age. 

As we head into May and the long-awaited arrival of spring, be sure to take time to peel your eyes from the screen and enjoy our beautiful and verdant campus. Now that the sun is shining, it is teeming with throngs of students and staff.  

This text is written by Åsa Borin, University Director. It appears in the section ”Words from the University’s senior management team”, where members of the management team take turns to write about topical issues. The section appears in every edition of News for staff which is distributed to the entirety of the University staff.