Criminality of Father (Code book IV)

Criminality of Father is part of Project Metropolitan. Data on the criminality of the parents is available in the material during three time periods: pre-1953, 1953-1959 and 1959- (half of) 1972.

Name: Criminality of Father (Faderns kriminalitet) Period(s): -1953, 1953-1959, 1960-1972 (SMS) Code book: IV

Information: On September 27, 1972, the Project Metropolitan staff requested permission from The National Police Board (Rikspolisstyrelsen, RPS) to gather data excerptions from the police register (The National Crime Register, PBR). The application was granted on October 18 of the same year. Subsequently, identification data was sent to the RPS identifying the fathers of the cohort members (in a few cases, the mothers were chosen) in order for them to search the register. The excerptions were delivered on numerous occasions. In December of 1973, the search was completed and the excerptions were corrected. In total, 1 722 excerptions for the fathers and 36 for the mothers were received.

Data on the criminality of the parents is available in the material during three time periods: pre-1953, 1953-1959 and 1959- (half of) 1972. The sentence categories included: (1) conditional sentence, which included a fine (probation), (2) unconditional sentence (imprisonment) and (3) exemption from punishment due to institutional psychiatric care or alcohol treatment. The variable that stored the National Registration Number (folkbokföringsnummer) was deleted from the data set as a part of the de-identification process that began in 1986.

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