Delivery records (Code book II)

Delivery records is is part of Project Metropolitan. The cohort consists of all persons born in 1953 and registered as living in the Stockholm area on November 1, 1963, with the Stockholm area specified as the area contained by Stockholm City and twenty-two of its suburban municipalities at the time.

Name: Delivery records Period(s): 1953 (SMS) Code book: II

Information by Carl-Gunnar Janson (1980) Register Data I. A code book. Project Metropolitan
Research Report No 12. Stockholm.

The cohort consists of all persons born in 1953 and registered as living in the Stockholm area on November 1, 1963, with the Stockholm area specified as the area contained by Stockholm City and twenty-two of its suburban municipalities at the time. Thus, also those who were born in 1953 outside the Stockholm area but moved in before November 1, 1963, were included in the cohort. However, most cohort members were born in the area. In fact, 12,391 of the 15,117 members were registered as born in the Stockholm area and 2,726 as born elsewhere. Practically all deliveries took place in the delivery wards of hospitals and in the area almost all of them in one of seven public hospitals. Of them, six are county hospitals and one, the Karolinska, is a National hospital.

The project applied to the Hospital Boards of Stockholm City and County, and to the Warden of the Karolinska Hospital to get access to the delivery records of 1953. Applications were made on March 29, 1970, September 14, 1970, and December 21, 1970, respectively, and were approved on June 9, 1970, October 28, 1970, and January 5, 1971, respectively, with the access granted on the usual conditions on handling, storing and publishing data.

Data must not be shown to anyone outside the project, and results must not be published in such away that individual cases can be identified. Access to the records of a hospital outside the area was later given, when it was found that this hospital received cases from one of the municipalities.

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