LOUISE/LISA (1990-2009) (Code book VI)

Longitudinal Databas on Education, Income and Occupation (LOUISE/LISA) (1990-2009) is part of The Swedish Work and Mortality Database.

Name: Longitudinal Databas on Education, Income and Occupation (Longitudinell databas kring utbildning, inkomst och sysselsättning, LOUISE/LISA)
Period(s): 1990-2009 (WMD) Code book: VI

The data is derived from LOUISE (Longitude Database Concerning Education, Income and Occupation) 1990-2009 and refers to individuals participating in the Stockholm Birth Cohort Study. Today LOUISE has changed name to LISA.

LOUISE contains all persons of age 16-64, every year. From 1995, all over 64 years are also included. It integrates existing data from educational sector, labour market and the social sector. The primary target of the data base is the individual, but it also contains data concerning the household and connections to corporations and workplace.

For more information in Swedish about LOUISE and the variables in it, see the SCB:s publication: “Bakgrundsfakta till arbetsmarknads- och utbildningsstatistiken, 2002:2 – En lognitudinell databas kring utbildning, inkomst och sysselsättning 1990-1999. LOUISE.

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