NOOS Seminar 2025


Start date: Thursday 6 February 2025

Time: 11.30

End date: Friday 7 February 2025

Time: 13.00

Location: Campus Albano, Albanovägen 18, Stockholm

Welcome to the NOOS Seminar, February 6–7, 2025, in Stockholm The 11th edition of the NOOS seminar will be organized in 2025 at Stockholm Business School (SBS).

The Swedish network on public organization and management (NOOS) is an interdisciplinary, collaborative, network within the social science field at Swedish universities. The NOOS seminar is aimed at PhD students, and their supervisors, interested in issues broadly related to the organization and governance of/in the public sector. We welcome diversity in subject affiliations!

Purpose of the Seminar

  • It gives the doctoral students the opportunity to present their research and a specific text, regardless of where they are in their thesis work.
  • It facilitates discussions in an informal fashion where the doctoral students receive constructive feedback on their work from senior researchers as well as other PhD candidates within the same field of research, at the same time as it is a good opportunity to practice giving feedback
  • It works to strengthen the networks between junior and senior researchers in various social science fields of research.

Seminar Papers

The seminar covers various types of texts, preferably in the form of ongoing work. This includes everything from thesis ideas to draft articles or chapters, with a recommended length of around 5–30 pages. Specific reading instructions may be added, ideally in the front end of the same document. The seminar format is based on discussion in smaller working groups, where participants are expected to have read and prepared comments on the texts in their group before the seminar. The working groups will be formed after the texts are submitted in January.


  • Registration deadline: December 1, 2024 (via the form below)
  • Seminar papers: January 15, 2025

The full schedule, group divisions, and texts for each working group will be communicated within a few days after the seminar paper deadline.

Preliminary Program

Thursday February 6

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Registration/Lunch
12:30 PM - 12:45 PM Welcome to the NOOS Seminar 2025
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM Panel discussion: Perspectives on research perspectives - the relationship between public administration and administration research.

  • Anna Ekström (Former Minister of Education and former Director General of Skolverket – Swedish National Agency for Education),
  • Magnus Hedenskog (Regeringskansliet – Government Offices of Sweden),
  • Fredrika Wiesel (Akademin för ekonomistyrning i staten – Academy of Management Accounting and Control in Central Government).
  • Moderator: Åsa Plesner

1:45 PM - 2:00 PM Break
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Working Groups
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM Coffee Break
3:15 PM - 5:00 PM Working Groups
7:15 PM Dinner (Restaurant TBA)

Friday February 7

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Working Groups
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM Coffee Break
10:15 AM - 12:00 PM Working Groups
12:00 PM Closing Lunch


The seminar is free of charge and includes meals. Thanks to support from Forte, NOOS is able to offer travel reimbursement for PhD students from outside the Stockholm region. In the registration form, there is an option to apply for this travel grant.

An invitation will be sent by mail.

Register here