The Ecstasy of Tragedy – An Ethnography of Hospice

Thesis defence

Date: Thursday 28 September 2023

Time: 13.00 – 15.00

Location: Lecture Room 7 in House 1, Campus Albano (Albanovägen 28)

Public Defense of Doctoral Thesis: Oscar Wandery


Professor Hans Rämö, Stockholm Business School (SBS), Stockholm University


Professor David Knights, Department of Organization, Work and Technology, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK

Examination Committee

Professor Alexander Styhre, Department of Business Administration, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
Professor Birgitta Schwartz, SBS, Stockholm University
Professor Dan Kärreman, Department of Management, Society and Communication, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark


Professor Christian Maravelias, SBS, Stockholm University  Associate Professor Carl Cederström, SBS, Stockholm University