The SACCess group

During the summer, the SACCess group had two articles published in well-renowned journals. SACCess is an acronym where S stands for speed and acc for acceleration.

The project, which includes researchers from Brazil, Italy, China, Lithuania, Poland, and Sweden, was initiated by Martin Johanson, currently affiliated with SBS, in 2016 and primarily aims to understand and explain the speed of companies' internationalization.

However, the data offers more insights than that, and so far, the analyses have aimed to deepen the understanding of companies' internationalization strategies, what influences them, and what they lead to. Six articles have been published so far, and now the project is entering the next phase where the group begins to explore concepts drawn from theories on the Learning Advantage of Newness and Time Compression Diseconomies to further understand the speed of internationalization, speed to internationalization, and acceleration of speed.

Articles from the SACCEss-project published in peer-reviewed journals so far:

  • Oliveira, Luis, Johanson, Martin & Fleury, Afonso, 2024, A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush: How SMEs Leverage Different Types of Knowledge and Networks during Effectual Internationalization, Journal Business Research.
  • Bai, Wensong, Francioni, Barbara, Johanson, Martin, Oliveira, Luis & Ratajczak-Mrozek, Milena, 2024, Entrepreneurial Alertness, Effectuation and International Performance in SME Internationalization, Journal of Small Business Management.
  • Oliveira, Luis & Johanson, Martin. 2024, The Performance of Decision-making Strategies in SME Internationalization: The Role of Host Market’s Institutional Development, Management International Review.
  • Bai, Wensong, Hilmersson, Mikael, Johanson, Martin & Oliveira, Luis, 2024, SMEs’ Regional Diversification: Dynamic Patterns and Home Market Institutional Determinants, International Marketing Review.
  • Bai, Wensong, Francioni, Barbara, Johanson, Martin, Oliveira, Luis & Ratajczak-Mrozek, Milena, 2022, Where Business Networks and Institutions Meet: Uncertainty and SME Internationalization Decision-making, Journal of International Management.
  • Bai, Wensong, Johanson, Martin, Oliveira, Luis & Ratajczak-Mrozek, Milena, 2021, The Role of Business and Social Networks in the Effectual Internationalization: Insights from Emerging Market SMEs, Journal of Business Research.