A Night of Insight: The Stockholm Center on Global Governance inaugurated

On May 2, the Stockholm Center on Global Governance and Stockholm University hosted an official inauguration event at the Scheffler Palace (Schefflerska palatset). The event featured an engaging lineup of speakers and insightful panel discussions which highlighted urgent challenges, but also potential promises of global governance today.

President of SU Astrid Söderbergh Widding speaking
President of SU Astrid Söderbergh Widding / Photo: Per Larsson, Stockholm University

To kick off the evening, the President of SU, Astrid Söderbergh Widding welcomed everyone to the event. In her address, she emphasize the timeliness of the new center for excellence and its importance for advancing our shared understanding of global governance and its role in tackling many of today’s most pressing societal challenges. Deputy Vice President for Human Science, Yvonne Svanström echoed these sentiment and expressed her excitement at the establishment of a new center and emphasized its role in pushing the research frontier but also in advancing education on global governance at Stockholm University.

Following the welcoming speeches, SCGG co-director Jonas Tallberg took the stage and introduced the center, outlining its main mission and objectives, as well as its main activities when it comes to global governance research, education and in expanding collaboration between researchers and other societal partners. 


Jens Orback, Åsa Persson, Jakob Hallgren, Lisa Dellmuth
From the left: Jens Orback, Åsa Persson, Jakob Hallgren, Lisa Dellmuth / Photo: Matilda Petersson

The highlight of the evening was the initiated panel discussion, led by SCGG co-director Lisa Dellmuth, and featuring representatives of three esteemed external partners. This included Åsa Persson, the Research Director and Deputy Director at the Stockholm Environment Institute; Jakob Hallgren, the Director of The Swedish Institute of International Affairs; and Jens Orback, Executive Director of the Global Challenges Foundation. Their perspectives offering valuable insights into the complex landscape of global governance and centered around the challenges but also the promises of global governance today.

After the stimulating discussions, attendees had the opportunity to enjoy a delightful dinner, followed by ample time for mingling and networking for the rest of the evening.
The evening gave a wonderful start to the center’s activities and we at the SCGG are very excited to now get to work, pushing the frontiers of global governance research.


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