Climate justice: Is it effective to go to court?

This seminar took place online on April 8, 2021.

The French Embassy and the French Institute in Sweden, in collaboration with the Administrative Tribunal of Lyon and the Environmental Law and Policy Centre at Stockholm University, invite you to an online debate with Marc Clément, presiding judge at Administrative Tribunal of Lyon (France) and Jonas Ebbesson, Professor of Environmental Law and Director of Stockholm Environmental Law and Policy Centre, at Stockholm University. 

They will discuss and compare the role of courts and climate change lawsuits in France and Sweden. 

Jonas Ebbesson is the Chair and Marc Clément a member of the Compliance Committee of the UNECE Convention on Access to Informa on, Public Participation on in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention). 


Ellen Hey, Professor of Public International Law at Erasmus School of Law of Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. 

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