Lærke Assenbjerg: “Socio-ecological resilience of agriculture in law”

This seminar took place at Stockholm University on may 24, 2019.

Time: Friday 24 May, at 14.00-16.00.
Venue: Department of Law, 7th floor, Canteen (lunch room),

Lærke Assenbjerg, PhD student at Aarhus University, presents her research project:

 “I am doing research on “socio-ecological resilience of agriculture in law” under a PhD fellowship at Aarhus University, Denmark. I study the multi-level governance design that regulates the environmental issues of agriculture including national (Danish), EU and International law.

I am very interested in legal theory and methodology of environmental law research and apply a systemic analytical perspective inspired by Niklas Luhmann. I have a philosophical approach the environmental law and I am inspired by Gaia Theory, Staffan Westerlund and Resilience Theory to mention a few.

In my research I am keen on studying to functionality of the law and in particular the ramifications of resource exploitation, property rights, economic thinking and cultural values. Here I will make an introduction to my application of socio-ecological resilience theory in law including methodological challenges. The purpose of the seminar is to discuss the application of Resilience Theory in environmental law.”

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