What is happening in the Amazon? Legal and Political Dimensions of deforestation in Brazil

This seminar took place at Stockholm University In cooperation with the Institute of Latin American Studies on october 3, 2019.

Time: 3 October 2019, at 16.00‐18.00
Place: Lecture hall 3, Stockholm University

The deforestation and burning of the Amazon forests has expanded significantly
with president Bolsonaro – with strong reactions internationally and domestically.
How effective is the protection of rainforests and indigenous peoples provided by
Brazilian legislation and by the judicial and administrative institutions at the central
and regional levels? Can the adverse development be prevented by other actors?
What is the legal and political impact of the information on increasing fires provided
by the Brazil National Institute for Space Research (INPE) – and what does it say?


Ana Paula Aguiar is a senior researcher/technologist at the Earth System Science
Centre (CCST) of the Brazilian Institute for Space Research (INPE) and a Research
Fellow at Stockholm Resilience Centre, at Stockholm University. She has been
working with sustainability science and deforestation modelling and scenarios in the
Amazon for more than 15 years.

Larissa Basso is a Brazilian lawyer, PhD in International Relations and a Postdoctoral
Fellow at the Department of Law, in the Stockholm University Initiative of
Environmental Research in Human Sciences. She specialises in legal and political
aspects of environmental issues at national and international scales.

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