Coin finds in rural churches

Cumulative finds in churches constitute one of the most important source materials for understanding the coinage and coin circulation during the Middle Ages.

In 1992, Henrik Klackenberg wrote a thesis, Moneta nostra, dealing with the monetarization of the countryside, that is how coins started to be used. Based on his material of cumulative medieval coin finds within the medieval borders of Sweden (excl. Gotland) maps showing the number of coins is presented here divided into the same 50-year period which Klackenberg used. This makes it easy to compare different areas with each other. The material covers a very long period of time and there are many source critical problems.

Kyrkor med myntfynd från hela medel­tiden 1150-1520.



Maps showing the number of coins in rural churches.

The maps of the coin finds are divided into 50-year periods.

Kartan visar myntfynd i medeltida kyrkor från perioden 1150-1200


Kartan visar myntfynd i medeltida kyrkor från perioden 1200-1250


Karta som visar kyrkor med myntfynd från perioden 1250-1300


Karta som visar kyrkor med myntfynd från perioden 1300-1350


Karta som visar kyrkor med myntfynd från perioden 1350-1400


Karta som visar kyrkor med myntfynd från perioden 1400-1450


Karta som visar kyrkor med myntfynd från perioden 1450-1520


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