Middle Ages 1140–1520

From a numismatic point of view the Middle Ages in Sweden starts c. 1140. A total of c. 219,000 coins occur in hoards, single finds, and cummulative finds up to c. 1520.

The map shows the geographical distribution of the hoards. There are three hoards with 10,000 coins or more; Brunnsgården, Östergötland 1786 (c. 24,300 pcs. - t.pq. c. 1277); Johannes bloc, Västerås, Västmanland 1973 (16,231 pcs. - t.pq. 1518); Årbol, Dalsland 1798 (c. 10,000 pcs. - t.pq. 1198). Otherwise there are concentrations of finds on Gotland and Öland as well as in Scania (Skåne), Västergötland, Östergötland, and the Mälar valley. All in all there are surprisingly few hoards. This is partly due to the fact that on the Swedish mainland (as well in the then Danish provinces of Scania, Blekinge, and Halland) recoinages were undertaken until the mid-14th. c. This made it unprofitable to save coins as a means of wealth.

Spridningskarta över medeltida myntfynd


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