Booking and pricing, ships and laboratory facilities

Here we have gathered information on booking and pricing of our research facilities, ships and smaller boats. Here, you also find direction of how to get to Askö, as well as the application procedure for the Askö Laboratory's doctoral student grant.


The Askö Laboratory research station is primarily used for marine science, education and environmental studies, as well as for meetings and visits. The station is a national infrastructure resource and we welcome scientists and students from all educational departments, in Sweden as well as other countries.

Visitors can come for the day or stay for longer periods. Staff members are only available on site during working hours.

Apply to conduct:

Research and environmental monitoring

Courses and education

Meetings, visits and workshops

Read more about Askö Laboratory

Price list 

This price list concerns marine professional at universities, External guests are charged according to agreement. For graduate students doing fieldwork, the stay is free for up to three months. Doctoral students at Stockholm University have the opportunity to apply for our Askö grant.

Askö laboratory

Day 150
24 hours 300
Additional boat-rides (per ride) 1200
Storage beyond experiment period (sqm/month) 100
Assistance (per hour) 350
Hazardous waste Actual cost

Cancel in good time. Resources booked but not used are charged.

This is included in your stay:

  • Transportation between Uttervik-Askö with regular boat-rides (twice a day) is free. Additional departures are offered, but limited to available staff and time. Ask the staff for more information.
  • Sleeping accommodation in single or double rooms, (bed linen are not provided)
  • Kitchen, lecture hall with projector, library and common rooms
  • Office desks, study rooms, access to printer
  • Wifi
  • Laboratory with brackish water supply and lab equipment
  • Cold room and experimental hall
  • Field- and sampling equipment
  • Small boats (requires an introduction before use)

Assistance and special equipment:

  • We can assist field sampling, transport by quad bike, workshop service, construction work etc. These services are performed as time permits. 350 SEK/hour + material costs.
  • We assist acquisition of biological- and other material (fish, mussels, sediment, water, etc.) Fee according to agreement.
  • We offer the possibility of underwater observation using ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle). Fee according to agreement.



Several research vessels are stationed at the Askö Laboratory. They are used for research, education, environmental monitoring and for transport to and from the field station. Anyone working with research and education related to the sea, at Stockholm University or other universities, can apply to use them.

Read more about our research vessels

Apply to use ships or boats!

Price list

This price list concerns marine professional at universities, External guests are charged according to agreement. Other prices and conditions apply to coursesDoctoral students at Stockholm University have the opportunity to apply for our Askö grant.


R/V Electra

NOTE! Fuel costs are not included below.

Per hour (minimum charge 4 hours)      1000
24 hours 16000
Extra crew member (per 24 hours and person) 11000
Required manning is determined by the commander and is based on sampling request and time at sea (over 12 hours at sea always require double manning).

Other ships and vessels  

Fuel costs are included below SEK/hour
Yoldia 1300
Sprattus 500
Perca 300

Cancellations need to be done in good time. Booked, unused resources will be charged.


Here you find information about the travelling options for Askö. 

Map and directions


Marine doctoral students at Stockholm University can apply for monitary support for work at the Askö Laboratory.

The application can be made at any time during the year, but preferably when applying for research time at the Askö Laboratory. A maximum of 20,000 SEK per person and calendar year can be granted.

Covers all costs
The support can be used for all types of costs on Askö:

  • Ships and boat
  • Use of thermo constancy room and experiment hall
  • costs for assistance by Askö staff

The support can not be used for:

  • Travel expenses
  • Research equipment not available at the field station
  • Food and other personal items

How to apply

  • Apply for the Askö grant in connection with your (or someone in the project group) research application at the Askö Laboratory.
  • The grant is available during the entire calendar year.
  • Specify your plans in the application.
  • We want a short report on the achieved results when the project is completed.

Apply for the Askö grant



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