New graduate school - Perspectives on climate change in coastal seas

Within a new graduate school in marine, climate and environmental issues, 12 doctoral students at several of Stockholm University's departments will be hired. The graduate school is directed towards students who are interested in understanding their own research in a broad and interdisciplinary context. A particular focus is on deepening the understanding and provide new knowledge of the specific conditions and challenges of the Baltic Sea in a changing climate.

Foto: Michaela Lundell

12 PhD positions open at Stockholm University

The graduate school Perspectives on climate change in coastal seas admits 12 new doctoral students at departments in the natural sciences, economic sciences and legal sciences at Stockholm University. All positions involve an individual research project related to the Baltic Sea, but the students are also part of an interdisciplinary educational programme where issues concerning coastal ecosystems in relation to a changing climate are approached, investigated and discussed from several angles.

Open positions

The application for these position is now closed and the selection process of candidates is on-going. 


About the graduate school

This graduate school suits you who are interested in a research career or want to work with marine environment or climate issues with a societal perspective in the future. During your studies, you will be part of a large network of doctoral students and researchers at Stockholm University and the international research centre CoastClim (Centre for Coastal and Climate research). This gives you the opportunity to benefit from a wide range of expertise in these areas early on in the programme.

The graduate school training blocks includes:

  • Seminars on coastal environments and climate change from multiple scientific, social and legal perspectives. You will get a good overview of the most important research questions in several areas at the moment and an in-depth look at how the management of marine environments and climate issues works. This includes where and how decisions on marine management are made and what legal frameworks exist at national, EU and international level, and how these govern management and decision-making that may affect the ocean and the climate.
  • Workshops in presentation techniques and scientific writing. A particular focus is on communicating your research with a socially relevant perspective in various external formats.
  • Field trips to the marine research station Askö laboratory where students learn methods, techniques and coordination of sampling programmes to answer current management questions about the Baltic Sea. This also includes processing data and producing joint syntheses with doctoral colleagues.

This compulsory part, given in smaller blocks during 2024-2025, comprises 15 ECTS. This is followed by an optional study block on the theme "After your PhD" focusing on future career opportunies both within and outside academia.

This graduate school is a continuation of Stockholm University's previous Baltic Sea initiative, Baltic Sea Fellows, where several Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Postdoctoral researchers formed a network to strengthen Baltic Sea research at Stockholm University. These researchers, who have established this interdisciplinary approach, will form the coming PhD students' supervisory team. The graduate school is coordinated by Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre.

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