Marine governance

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Photo: Lisa Bergqvist.

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The EU Farm to Fork strategy – what is happening?

2021.09.15: Here we share the latest on the Farm to Fork strategy (F2F). The European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee and its Environmental Committee have agreed and both committees claim to be satisfied.

The EU Farm to Fork strategy – what is happening?


Pan-European multi-model assessments can support EU policy decisions

2021.03.31: What effects will an improved nutrient management have on eutrophication, biodiversity and fisheries in the European seas? As an attempt to provide answers to such question, researchers from all over Europe have used a suit if biochemical and ecosystem models to simulate the response of nutrient reductions to indicators used in the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

Pan-European multi-model assessments can support EU policy decisions

Baltic Breakfast: Concept developed at Stockholm University incorporated in new EU strategy

2020.12.09: “A unique document”. Scientists at Stockholm University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology praised the new EU chemicals strategy at the last Baltic Breakfast webinar and were especially delighted to find their own recommendations included in the document. However, some important linkages were also pointed out as missing.

Baltic Breakfast: Concept developed at Stockholm University incorporated in new EU strategy


Scientists at Stockholm University comment on the new EU Chemicals Strategy

2020.10.15: Clear and strong on many important issues. But with raised concern about what the coming process will mean for ensuring a true non-toxic environment. These are some of the conclusions when six chemical scientists from Stockholm University comment the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability.

Scientists at Stockholm University comment on the new EU Chemicals Strategy


Baltic Breakfast: Input ceilings replace reduction targets in new Baltic Sea Action Plan

2020.10.14: The Baltic Sea Action Plan is up for revision and researchers at Stockholm University have made important contributions to the scientific basis for the updated plan. At the last Baltic Breakfast, Bo Gustafsson and Emma Undeman presented parts of their work on eutrophication and hazardous substances.

Baltic Breakfast: Input ceilings replace reduction targets in new Baltic Sea Action Plan


Comment: Farm to Fork strategy has welcome tools for closing the nutrient loops

2020.05.20: Today the European Commission published the Farm to Fork strategy, F2F, stating key areas for the EU to work with in order to increase food security and public health and to promote sustainable production systems. The strategy is part of the new Commission’s aim to set long term goals for important policy areas and should be seen in the light of the new Green Deal.

Comment: Farm to Fork strategy has welcome tools for closing the nutrient loops

Climate change will increase the pressure on the Baltic Sea

2019.12.04: Climate is high on the agenda again. The UN COP25 Climate Change Conference in Madrid, just started. Recently the European parliament approved a resolution declaring a climate and environmental emergency in Europe and globally. Climate change will increase the pressure on the Baltic Sea. Now it is time to start filling the goals with action for our seas.

Climate change will increase the pressure on the Baltic Sea


17 million ton pool of phosphorus affects eutrophication work

2019.06.17: Almost half of the phosphorus currently entering the Baltic Sea could leak from an enormous pool of accumulated phosphorus on land. Decision-makers must take this in into account when designing nutrient reduction measures and targets, says researcher Michelle McCrackin.

17 million ton pool of phosphorus affects eutrophication work


New changes welcome but insufficient

2019.05.27: REACH is by many considered to be the best chemicals legislation in the world. But the high demands on the producers and importers are ineffective if the data they submit to the European Chemicals Agency isn’t being examined. In a new policy brief, researchers at Stockholm University requires greater transparency and better control within REACH.

New changes welcome but insufficient


Ban on single-use plastics favors Baltic Sea

2019.03.29: There will be a ban on straws, plastic cutlery, cotton bud sticks, and several other single-use plastics across the EU by 2021.

Ban on single-use plastics favors Baltic Sea


ECHA promises improved control of new chemicals

2019.03.13: Following last year's criticism, the European Chemicals Agency, ECHA, will improve the agency’s control of information on new chemicals submitted by the industry.

ECHA promises improved control of new chemicals


ECHA proposes new ban on microplastics

2019.01.30: The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) propose a ban on intentionally added microplastic to a range of products. Researcher Marie Löf at the Baltic Sea Center welcomes the proposal.

ECHA proposes new ban on microplastics

Parliament and Council agree on new single-use plastics directive

2018.12.20: The recent Parliament and Council agreement on the single-use plastics directive is an important step forward towards reducing marine plastic litter, says Hanna Sjölund, policy officer at Baltic Sea Centre.

Parliament and Council agree on new single-use plastics directive


This is what Europe's agriculture looks like in 2030

2018.12.14: By 2030 Europeans will eat less meat and drink less milk. But production will be stable, according to the European Commission. This places high demands on how the milk and meat are produced, says researchers Annika Svanbäck and Michelle McCrackin of the Baltic Sea Centre.

This is what Europe's agriculture looks like in 2030


Parliament approve single-use plastics proposal – an important step forward for the Baltic Sea

2018.10.22: The European Parliament has voted in favor of introducing new and extensive measures to reduce the plastic littering. Researcher Damien Bolinius believe the measures can make a big difference for the Baltic Sea – if they come into effect.

Parliament approve single-use plastics proposal – an important step forward for the Baltic Sea


Baltic Eye’s work is analysed in a new international study

2018.09.14: "Responding to today's environmental challenges requires science to be integrated into politics and practice," says researcher Chris Cvitanovic, author of a new study on Baltic Eye's work to bridge the gap between science and policy.

Baltic Eye’s work is analysed in a new international study


Analysis: Eutrophication demoted in the proposal for the EU's agricultural policy

2018.05.31:  As expected, the impact of agriculture on marine environments is not a high priority issue in the European Commission's draft for the new European common agricultural policy. Gun Rudquist from the Baltic Sea Centre at Stockholm University has, however, identified some positive aspects in the proposal.

Analysis: Eutrophication demoted in the proposal for the EU's agricultural policy


Correct application of new criteria for endocrine disrupting chemicals is essential

2018.05.30: The European Union’s scientific criteria for identification of EDCs comes into force in the near future. According to Christina Rudén, Professor of Regulatory Ecotoxicology and Toxicology, relevant tests and successful risk management are, among others, essential if these new criteria are to be utilised to protect citizens and the environment.

Correct application of new criteria for endocrine disrupting chemicals is essential


Major shortcomings in the EU regulation for chemicals in goods

2018.03.15: Shampoo and other body care products sold in the EU have listings that show which chemicals they contain. But for the majority of all goods in our everyday lives, such as furniture, clothes and mobile phones, such information is missing.

Major shortcomings in the EU regulation for chemicals in goods


The Plastics Strategy - a good tool for reducing marine litter

2018.03.01: Shortly after the European Commission's Plastics Strategy was presented, the Baltic Sea Centre sent a letter to all EU ministers of environment around the Baltic Sea. Policy Officer Hanna Sjölund explains why.

The Plastics Strategy - a good tool for reducing marine litter


Sweden bans “rinse-off” microplastics in cosmetics

2018.02.06: Soap, toothpaste and other body care products that are directly rinsed off and contain microplastics are now banned in Sweden. The Swedish government adopted the ban on Thursday. Marie Löf from the Baltic Sea Centre describes this as a positive decision for the environment and hopes that the ban will soon be extended to cover non-rinse off products.

Sweden bans “rinse-off” microplastics in cosmetics


Comment: Baltic Eye on the Plastics Strategy

2018.01.17: Today the European Commission’s Plastic Strategy was presented, a much awaited strategy foregone by intense discussions, numerous consultations and conferences.

Comment: Baltic Eye on the Plastics Strategy


Comment: UK bans microplastics in rinse-off cosmetics and personal care products

2018.01.12: Text: Hanna Sjölund.

Comment: UK bans microplastics in rinse-off cosmetics and personal care products

Analysis: Proposal for EU countries to have greater autonomy with agriculture

2017.12.19: The EU Commission wants to scrap greening from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and create greater autonomy amongst the member states. “Increasing participation of the individual countries is good, but this presumes that the rules are the same for all; Nor must environmental considerations be undermined”, writes Gun Rudquist.

Analysis: Proposal for EU countries to have greater autonomy with agriculture


The plastics strategy – a starting point for more sustainable use of plastics?

2017.11.03: Address the sources of microplastics, reconsider the use of sewage sludge on land, and take into account the hazardous chemicals in plastics. Researchers at the Baltic Sea Centre provide clear advice in an open consultation on the EU plastics strategy.

The plastics strategy – a starting point for more sustainable use of plastics?


EU Ministers demand proposal to ban microplastics

2016.07.13: The EU environmental ministers calls on the European Commission to put forward a proposal for a ban on microplastics in cosmetics. The pressure now increases for the Commission to actually deal with the growing demand for a ban.

EU Ministers demand proposal to ban microplastics

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