Meet the first group of SUCCeSS Post Docs

Help us welcome the first group of SUCCeSS Post Docs. They have arrived since spring 2023, and are now all in place.

SUCCeSS Post Docs 2023, Joeselle, Linnea and Henrik

I had the opportunity to sit down with our Post Docs, and talk a little bit about themselves and why they decided to join us at SUCCeSS. All three of them agreed that they had found a, for them perfect transdiciplinary project. Finding these kind of projects is not easy and they are all happy to be here and to help make SUCCeSS successful. 

First out of the group we have Joeselle Serrana, joining the project Safe water reuse in a changing environment –microbial degradation of contaminants in European rivers. Joeselle, originally from the Philippines, have also studied in Japan, Canada and now finally he has joined us at Stockholm University. Joeselle is a molecular ecologist, interested in freshwater ecology and microbiome research and say that with this project, he has found three PI's covering all the topics in his PhD.

Next up, Linnea Cederholm from Sweden, who did not have to go far in order to join Stockholm University - she did her PhD in polymer technology next door, at KTH. Linnea will be joining the project FORest materials: opportunities and obstacles for a Circular Economy in Sweden (FORCES), project aiming  to explore the potential of forest materials as enablers of a circular economy on a more systemtic level.

And tallest of the group we have Henrik Hupatz, a PhD in organic chemistry from Freie universität Berlin, where he spent his first years in academia. Henrik will join the project - Design of chemical reagents for fast and sensitive detection of pesticides in water and food, where he will be able be able to combine his knowledge in organic chemistry, while at the same time learning about machine learning and mass spectrometry to ge the best of all worlds.

We wish you all the best and will keep the world updated on your progress.