UN Ocean Conference 2025 - Baltic Sea Centre input to the Global Online Stakeholder Consultation

On Ocean Action Panels Concept Papers



The 2025 UN Ocean Conference will be held in Nice, France from 9–13 June 2025. The Conference aims to accelerate action and mobilize all actors to conserve and sustainably use the ocean. The Conference will involve all relevant stakeholders to assess challenges and opportunities relating to, as well as actions taken towards, the implementation of Goal 14. The Conference will feature ten Ocean Action Panels, each focused on key themes essential for the sustainable use of our oceans. Increasing ocean-related scientific cooperation, knowledge, capacity building, marine technology, and education to strengthen the sciencepolicy interface for ocean health. Concept papers for each of the themes of the Ocean Action Panels will be prepared in preparation for the Conference. Stakeholders are asked for each theme to answer some questions.


Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre input

Input stem from this paper, developed by researchers at the Baltic Sea Centre in 2024. Transformative action that needs to happen to overcome the challenges and to create better conditions to accelerate progress in achieving the theme “Fostering sustainable fisheries management including supporting small-scale fishers.”:

Transformative action that needs to happen to overcome the challenges and to create better conditions to accelerate progress in achieving the theme “Conserving, sustainably managing, and restoring marine and coastal ecosystems including deep-sea ecosystems”:

Transformative action that needs to happen to overcome the challenges and to create better conditions to accelerate progress in achieving the theme “Preventing and significantly reducing marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities.”:

Eutrophication is one of the main threats against the Baltic Sea but also other marine areas. We would like to see more focus on reducing eutrophication in this conference. In order to reduce the heavy load of pollutant entering the seas we would also like to see:

Transformative action that needs to happen to overcome the challenges and to create better conditions to accelerate progress in achieving the theme ”Leveraging ocean, climate, and biodiversity interlinkages.”:

  • Reduce emissions of greenhouse gases globally, including from marine activities such as shipping and fishing.
  • Reduce pressures on the coastal environment to increase its resilience to climate change and acidification, to increase its ability to store carbon, and to minimise methane emissions. Reducing eutrophication crucial to prevent coastal methane emissions and Healthy coastal ecosystems are crucial to mitigate climate change.
  • Include carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions from the sea in carbon accounting Transformative action that needs to happen to overcome the challenges and to create better conditions to accelerate progress in achieving the theme “Advancing sustainable ocean-based economies, sustainable maritime transport, and coastal community resilience leaving no one behind.”:
  • Avoid placing windmills in important wildlife areas and take measures to reduce the risk of bird collisions. Rapport 6488 – Vindval – Vindkraftens effekter på marint liv with English summary.

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