Delegations from South African universities visited SUBIC

SASUF, the South Africa-Sweden University Forum, is a collaborative project involving 40 partner universities in Sweden and South Africa. On May 14th, during the annual Research and Innovation Week organized by SASUF, 15 rectors from South African universities visited the Stockholm University Brain Imaging Centre (SUBIC). This visit represents a significant step in strengthening international ties and promoting joint research initiatives in the field of brain imaging.

On May 14th, as part of the annual Research and Innovation Week organized by the South Africa-Sweden University Forum (SASUF), 15 rectors from South African universities visited the Stockholm University Brain Imaging Centre (SUBIC).

During their visit, the rectors were given an in-depth look at the cutting-edge research and technology at SUBIC. Ashley Krüger from NRM provided a comprehensive explanation of the principles behind CT scans, detailing how this imaging technique allows for detailed, non-destructive examination of objects. Krüger showcased impressive models from CT scans of Homo naledi, a species of archaic human discovered in South Africa. The demonstration included a variety of scanned fossils, such as shark eggs and ancient seed fossils, all of which highlighted the versatility and power of CT scanning technology.

In addition, Rita Almeida and Jonathan Berrebi conducted demonstrations of functional MRI (fMRI) and live MRI scans of a human speaking. These demonstrations illustrated the sophisticated imaging techniques used to study brain activity and function, offering the visiting rectors a comprehensive understanding of the potential and impact of these technologies.

The visit facilitated meaningful exchanges between the South African delegation and their Swedish counterparts, fostering opportunities for future collaborative research projects. The rectors expressed great interest in the innovations at SUBIC and discussed potential applications and partnerships that could benefit both regions.

To read the news in Swedish, click here.

For more information on SASUF and the Research and Innovation Week, please visit SASUF’s website.