Kungsholmen Gymnasium Students Dive into Brain Science at SUBIC

On March 27th, 24 students from Kungsholmen Gymnasium visited SUBIC, led by Prof. Francisco de Lacerda. Researchers at SUIBC introduced the principles of brain imaging and demonstrated experiments in various laboratories, including the X-ray lab, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) lab, and the mock scanner lab. They showcased X-ray micro-tomography, MRI, fMRI, and behavioral experiments to the students.

SUBIC is dedicated to spreading knowledge to the public and takes pride in being both interesting and inspiring to younger generations.

Prof. Francisco de Lacerda introducing SUBIC to the students. (Photo taken by T. Zhou)

Master thesis student Daniel Karlström was demonstrating X-ray micro-tomography to the students.

Students were visiting the MRI lab, where PhD candidate Caroline Arvidsson and Ekaterina Torubarova were demonstrating a research project while wearing VR goggles.

Dr Gláucia Laís Salomão was demonstrating her experiment on how we experience emotions conveyed by others' voices.