Research grants for the use of SUBIC equipment

Researcher affiliated with one of Stockholm University’s departments are welcome to apply for SUBIC research grants. Application deadline is June 13th.

Photo by Lena Katarina Johansson

Stockholm University Brain Imaging Centre (SUBIC) is announcing a new call for the semiannual funding opportunity with the purpose to allow increased access to the various method platforms that SUBIC offers. Interested researchers that are successful in their application will be provided with free of charge access to the method platform of choice as well as limited but needed support to successfully complete the awarded project. Applicants can apply for access to all equipment.

List of SUBIC equipment

What is the purpose of the funding?

The general purpose of this funding mechanism is to allow users at Stockholm University to either collect pilot data for future grant applications or to collect data for their first complete study on the instrument mentioned in the application to promote use among groups not normally accustomed to the instrument. Projects will be assessed by an expert committee based on the criteria outlined below. Proposals receiving good ratings will be awarded with free time on SUBICs instruments and/or free support according to specification. No monetary or other financial means are distributed via this funding mechanism. Please note that if your project requires an ethical permit, you must have it before starting the project.



The application consists of 3 pages. (1) A filled-out Application form, (2) a 1-page CV for the main applicant, and (3) an outline of the proposed project, according to the project template. Please compile all three final documents into one PDF document.

Applications (Application form, Proposed project page, and CV) should be emailed to no later than June 13th 2024.

Any researcher (awarded a PhD before the grant deadline) that are employed by Stockholm University can apply.

How will the applications be assessed?

Applications will be assessed by a committee consisting of SUBIC staff and researchers tied to SUBIC. Projects will be assessed based on their scientific value as well as prior experience and existing funding of the applying research group. Priority will be given to projects with perceived high scientific value as well as to groups with no-to-limited experience with the instrument in question, no history of previously awarded in-house funding, no external funding for the project in question, and the estimated potential of the project in question to lead to externally funded future projects (criteria listed in no specific order).

When will the decision be announced?

The decision of the grant award will be announced no later than June 20th.

When is the start of the grant period, and how long is the grant awarded?

The start of the grant period is August 2024 and the grant is valid for 6 months, but an extension can be allowed after discussion with SUBIC management.



If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at