Databases at SOFI

Cables on the back of a computer at our servers
The researchers at SOFI collect their own data for several large databases. Photo: Daniel Rossetti

An important part of the work at SOFI is the collection of research data of various kinds. Some of Sweden's most valuable research data materials have been prepared at SOFI. A stated policy at SOFI is to make the materials available for the research community within a reasonable time after the collection. The data materials are therefore eventually deposited at the Swedish National Data Service (SND).

Svensk Nationell Datatjänst (SND)


The Level of Living survey (LNU) is a nationally representative interview survey conducted in 1968, 1974, 1981, 1991 and 2000, 2010 and 2020-22. More about LNU can be found here:

Read more about the Level of Living survey (LNU)


Social Citizenship The Indicator Program ( SCIP ) is a database describing the development of citizens' rights and obligations in five major social security programs in 18 OECD countries at 15 dates from 1930 to 2005. Together with data describing various aspects of social security statutes and population structure and taxation of compensation, the database includes information of approximately a quarter of a million data points.

Read more about the SCIP database


Stockholm Birth Cohort (SBC) is managed and developed jointly by researchers at SOFI and at CHESS/Department of Public Health Sciences. SBC is a panel study in which all individuals born in Stockholm in 1953 were followed from their youth to adulthood.

Read more abour Stockholm Birth Cohort (SBC)

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