Speaking Proficiency abroad

The speaking test is carried out differently in Sweden and abroad. Below is a description and example of the test given outside Sweden, including a demo video at the bottom of the page.

The speaking test is designed to assess the communicative/linguistic competence of the candidate, that is the ability to develop a number of tasks around a given topic on a general level with adequate vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation/fluency. It is therefore important for the candidate to make the most of the preparation time, to be active during the test and provide examples of speaking proficiency.

The speaking proficiency test has two formats abroad. In most test centres the speaking test consists of an individual presentation, however, in some centres a new format that consists of a conversation task as well as a short individual presentation is used. You find more information about this format under “Speaking Proficiency Online”.



The overseas speaking test consists of a 10–15 minutes individual presentation of five sub-tasks, recorded under the supervision of a test leader.

The topics are of general interest and are not adapted to any specific academic study programme.

  • You will be given 15 minutes preparation time for the speaking performance.
  • You will discuss one of two given topics, supported by written instruction, a number of key words to reflect on and five sub-tasks to reason around.

No supporting resources are allowed.

  1. The test leader tests the recording equipment to make sure that the candidate is recorded audibly.
  2. Once the recording has started, the candidate gives her/his name, the date and location of the test and the topic for the test.
  3. Then the five sub-tasks are dealt with (10–15 minutes, each one lasting a minimum of two minutes) according to the instructions given beforehand.
  4. Finally, the test leader makes sure that the test is satisfactorily recorded.
  • Preparation time: 15 minutes.
  • Recording time: 10–15 minutes.


The following is assessed

  • your ability to reason on a general level and explain, back up and challenge arguments and ideas from different perspectives in a way that is relevant to the topic 
  • if your linguistic range is sufficient to support the reasoning
  • if your fluency is sufficient to follow your reasoning without effort
  • if your pronunciation is sufficient to understand you without effort.

The marks are Pass (Godkänd) or Fail (Underkänd)

To pass the Tisus test you have to pass all the test components. If you fail only one of the test components, you must be re-tested for that component, a so-called rest (make-up).

Read more:


Sample test

The sample test and video clip show how the speaking proficiency test is done in abroad.

Delprov 3. Muntlig färdighet Tisus utland exempelprov. (211 Kb)

The clip is opened in "Videotjänsten" at Stockholm University:

Video: Muntlig uppgift utland

In some test centres a new format, consisting of a conversation and an individual presentation is used. This is the format used when taking the test Sweden, however, when done from abroad video conferencing is used, i.e. you have a conversation with the other participants and an interlocutor online. You take the test in the same test centre as the reading and writing test, under the supervision of the local test administrator. 

As this format requires some technical resources it is introduced gradually and is currently used in Athens, Beijing, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Osaka, Tokyo, San Francisco and Shanghai. However, we cannot guarantee that these locations will be able to offer the new format each time Tisus is given. If you have registered for Tisus in a location where the online format will be used, you will be notified well in advance. For more information about the new format please read the description about the speaking proficiency in Sweden. 

Speaking Proficiency Sweden



Administration – Tisus
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