Welcome with your application!

We welcome postdoctoral applications from qualified individuals interested in pursuing fundamental and significant problems in Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Immunology or Physiology.
Highly motivated individuals already in possession of a PhD, or students that will soon be completing PhD studies, should directly contact the principal investigator heading the research projects of interest (you can find principal investigators under Research ). Applicants should submit a CV and include a description of their research experience and interests. Applicants should also arrange to have two letters of recommendation sent on their behalf.
Accommodation for postdocs
For information regarding housing for postdoctoral students, please see the University Accommodation Center www.uac.se or the Wenner-Gren Foundations. Additional links that may help you find accommodations are found under the link to PhD studies
Social activities
If you are interested to meet other foreign researchers, PhD students studying at different Universities, learn more about Stockholm, or visit other areas in Sweden you are welcome to join SIRAP- Stockholm International Researchers Association. There are no fees to be a member, register yourself at www.sirap.info to receive a newsletter three times per month with different activities to enjoy.