Surname change and destigmatization strategies among Middle Eastern immigrants in Sweden
under publicering som "Name change and Destigmatization among Middle Eastern Immigrants in Sweden" i Ethnic and Racial Studies,
Moa Bursell

 Being employed by a co-national: A cul-de-sac or a short cut to the main road of the labour market? (190 Kb)
Pernilla Andersson Joona and Eskil Wadensjö, publicerad i Journal of International Migration and Integration, vol. 13:1, s. 99-120 

 Changes in Swedish Labour Immigration Policy: A Slight Revolution? (352 Kb)
Lucie Cerna

 Families, neighborhoods, and the future: The transition to adulthood of children of native and immigrant origin in Sweden (248 Kb)
Martin Hällsten and Ryszard Szulkin

 Intersections of immigrant status and gender in the Swedish entrepreneurial landscape (208 Kb)
Charlotta Hedberg

 Assortative Mating by Ethnic Background and Education in Sweden (257 Kb) , uppdaterad version “Assortative Mating by Ethnic Background and Education among Individuals with an Immigrant Background in Sweden" publicerad i Zeitschift für Familienforschung (Journal of Family Research), Volume 1: 65-88.
Aycan Çelikaksoy, Lena Nekby and Saman Rashid

 Children's First Names and Immigration Background in France (160 Kb)
Mahmood Arai, Damien Besancenot, Kim Huynh and Ali Skalli
publicerad i International Migration (2012), doi: 101111/imig12010.

 TIPping the Scales towards Greater Employment Chances? (266 Kb)
uppdaterad version "Intensive Coaching of New Immigrants: An Evaluation Based on Random Program Assignment", forthcoming i The Scandinavian Journal of Economics
Pernilla Andersson Joona and Lena Nekby

 TIPping the Scales towards Greater Employment Chances? Evaluation of a Trial Introduction Program (TIP) (236 Kb)
Pernilla Andersson Joona and Lena Nekby

 Can Multicultural Urban Schools in Sweden Survive Freedom of Choice Policy? (235 Kb) uppdaterad version "The controlled school market and urban schools in Sweden" Journal of School Choice, 4:47-73.
Nihad Bunar

On Fragile Grounds: A replication of "Are Muslim immigrants different in terms of cultural integration?"  On Fragile Grounds: A replication of "Are Muslim immigrants different in terms of cultural integration?" Technical documentation (324 Kb) . Se även  kodfil (94 Kb) samt hemsidan för replikationen: On Fragile Grounds.
Mahmood Arai, Jonas Karlsson and Michael Lundholm

 On Fragile Grounds: A replication of "Are Muslim immigrants different in terms of cultural integration?" (211 Kb)
Mahmood Arai, Jonas Karlsson and Michael Lundholm, publicerad i  Journal of European Economic Association, 6, 445-456, 2008.