 Neighborhood and Friendship Composition in Adolescence (286 Kb)
Christofer Edling och Jens Rydgren

Inter - and Intra - Marriage Premiums Revisited: It’s probably who you are, not who you marry! (340 Kb) (188 Kb)
Lena Nekby

 National Identity and Support for the Welfare State (567 Kb)
publicerat i Canadian Journal of Political Science, vol. 43 (2), 2010: 349-377.
Richard Johnston, Keith Banting, Will Kymlicka and Stuart Soroka

 Intergenerational Transmission of Education among Immigrant Mothers and their Daughters in Sweden (432 Kb)
Susan Niknami

 The "Negative" Assimilation of Immigrants: A Special Case (264 Kb)
published in Indutrial and Labor Relations Review, vol. 64 (3), 2011: 502-525
Barry R. Chiswick och Paul W. Miller

 Ethnic Intermarriage among Immigrants: Human Capital and Assortative Mating (207 Kb)
published in Review of Economics of the Household, vol. 9 (2), 2011; 149-180
Barry R. Chiswick och Christina A. Houseworth

 Educational Mismatch: Are High-Skilled Immigrants Really Working at High-Skilled Jobs and the Price They Pay if They Aren’t? (304 Kb)
published in Barry R. Chiswick, ed. "High-Skilled Immigration in a Global Labor Market", Washington DC: American Enterprise Institute, January, 2011, ss. 109-154
Barry R. Chiswick och Paul W. Miller

 'Neighbourhood Effects' and 'City Effects': Immigrants' Transition to Employment in Swedish Large City-Regions (662 Kb)
Charlotta Hedberg och Tiit Tammaru

 Turkish Associations in Metropolitan Stockholm: (853 Kb)
Yasemin Akis and Mahir Kalaylioglu

 Same, Same but (Initially) Different? The Social Integration of Natives and Immigrants in Sweden (307 Kb)
publicerad i Yann Algan, Alberto Bisin, Alan Manning and Thierry Verdier (red), Cultural Integration Models in Europe, Oxford Economic Press
Lena Nekby

 The impact of immigration on election outcomes in Danish municipalities (429 Kb)
Christer Gerdes och Eskil Wadensjö

 Unpacking the Causes of Ethnic Segregation across Workplaces (220 Kb)
Magnus Bygren

 Does Immigration Induce ‘Native Flight’ from Public Schools? (295 Kb)
Christer Gerdes