Spring 2019 the FoNS-team have started to interview parents to first-graders in Sweden and England. We are greatful to the rich response from the Swedish parents - many thanks to you! We finished transcribing the interviews early fall 2019 and have started analysing them. We planned for a conference article spring 2020, but the conference got postponed one year and we will present it spring 2021 instead. Presently (fall 2020) we are writiting a journal article as well.

Since fall 2018 the FoNS-team have analysed teacher interviews from Sweden and England. A first article was published July 2019 in "Early Child Development and Care" (see FoNS's pubications) and the most recent publication so far is in "Education review" 2020.

The FoNS-team have also analysed Swedish and English textbooks with respect to the FoNS-framework and are presently writing and submitting articles on this topic. This work drove us to develop completely new methods, inspired by time series, for analyzing the results. See our list of publications on "textbooks", where more publications are to appear.

FoNS – the spring from which later mathematical learning grows

This project's name is 'the acquisition of year one students' foundational number sense in Sweden and England', but we prefer its acronym, FoNS, which is the abbreviation of Foundational Number Sense. Not only is FoNS easy to remember but its meaning in Latin, a well, spring, source or fount, emphasises the key role of FoNS in children's learning of mathematics; it is the spring from which later mathematical learning grows.