Video archive

Svend Pedersen Lecture Award 2019 - to Nathalie Sinclair

See the award lecture: Moving mathematics: Gesturo-haptic encounters with multiplication

Cultural politics of mathematics education

Paola Valero at the Department of Mathematics and Science Education researches how math in the curriculum is an important site of subjectification in contemporary societies. She lectures and supervises our mathematics teacher education students.

How to bridge theory and practice

Iben Christiansen, associate professor at the Department of Mathematics and Science Education at Stockholm University, takes special interest in mathematics teacher education and how theory and paractice are related.

How can the didactic models and tools of teaching develop?

Karim Hamza works at the Department of Mathematics and Science Education at Stockholm University. Listen to his research story about the didactic models and tools of teaching.

What conditions are needed for students to participate in the science class room?

How do the students perceive meaningfulness and participation? Dr Maria Andrée tells us about her reserach which focus on students learning within science.

How to develop teacher education in mathematics?

Listen to Kicki Skog when she talks about her research in mathematics teacher education.

Jill Adler´s award lecture

See the lecture: "From Mathematics and language to mathematical knowledge for teaching and back again: a (South African) research journey" held by Professor Jill Adler.

Portal for the teacher education