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Physics, Degree Project

The degree project aims to give you both insights and experience with scientific research. Key moments are the planning, execution and reporting of your research project. You will produce a scientific report and present your research results orally in a scientific seminar.

This course normally constitutes the completion of your bachelor studies in physics. The time frame of the project is limited to 10 weeks. As a part of the degree project you will also participate in the course “Science Ethics” (“Vetenskaplighet”) in which you will learn about the different ethical aspects associated with scientific research. 

Sign up for the “Science Ethics” course here.

  • Course structure

    The course is given during the second half of the spring semester. It is part of the bachelor programme in physics, but can also be taken as a free-standing course if you fulfill the eligibility requirements. Before you start you will, together with your supervisor, produce a project plan which then has to be approved by the course coordinator. 

    The project corresponds to 13.5 credits and the “Science Ethics” course 1.5 credits, in total 15 credits. 

    Teaching format

    The projcet consists of indivudual work and does not involve any scheduled teaching. The course “Science Ethics” consists of seminars.


    The examination will be in the form of both a written scientific report and an oral presentation in the form of  a scientific seminar. The course “Science Ethics” uses a written exam.


    Markus Hennrich, tel: 08-553 786 14, e-post:

    Jonas Larson, tel: 08 553 782 17, e-post:

    Vladimir Krasnov, tel: 08 553 786 06, e-post:

    Wolf Geppert, tel: 08 553 786 49, e-post:

    Henrik Öström, tel: 08 553 786 41, e-post:

  • Contact

    Course coordinator:
    Markus Hennrich, tel: 08-553 786 14, e-post:


    Academic advisor:

    Student office: