
At the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies you can aquire a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts Degree in Asian Languages and Cultures and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures.


In order to acquire a Bachelor of Arts in Asian languages and cultures or Middle Eastern languages and cultures, the following requirements must be fulfilled:

  • 180 credits in completed courses (three years of full-time studies).

At the department, you can aquire a bachelor's degree in Asian languages and cultures if you have studied Korean, Chinese or Japanese, according to the respective course structure at the first cycle.

To aquire a bachelor's degree in Middle Eastern langugages and cultures you must have studies Arabic with Middle Eastern and North African Studies or Middle Eastern and North African Studies according to the course structure on the first-cycle.

Since 1 January 2016, local qualification descriptors are available, which are adopted by the academic area boards based on a common model. The local qualification descriptors cover general first-cycle qualifications.

Lokal examensbeskrivning för kandidatexamen i Asiens språk och kulturer 20170517 (323 Kb)

Lokal examensbeskrivning för kandidatexamen i Mellanösterns språk och kulturer 20200408 (37 Kb)

Contact the Director of Studies for your subject area for descriptions in English.

More about degree requirements at Stockholm University


In order to be entitled to a Master of Arts (120 credits) Asian Languages and Cultures or Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures the following requirements must be fulfilled:

  • 120 credits in completed courses (two year of full-time studies) of which the main part consists of second cycle courses.
  • At least 60 credits within the same main field of study, including a degree project of at least 30 credits.

Since 1 January 2016, local qualification descriptors are available, which are adopted by the academic area boards based on a common model. The local qualification descriptors cover general second-cycle qualifications.

Lokal examensbeskrivning för masterexamen i Asiens språk och kulturer 150908 (325 Kb)

Lokal examensbeskrivning för masterexamen i Mellanösterns språk och kulturer 20181017 (83 Kb)

Contact the Director of Studies for your subject area for descriptions in English.

More about degree requirements at Stockholm University

Degrees at Stockholm University


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For questions about alumin events and news from the department, contact:
Margarita Shiraishi
Phone: +46 (08) 16 10 35

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