

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences was founded in 1739 and is an independent organisation, whose overall objective is to promote the sciences and strengthen their influence in society.

Axel Englund, Professor of Literature, is an academy member of the Class for Humanities and for outstanding services to science.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities

Queen Lovisa Ulrika of Sweden founded Kongl. Swenska Witterhets Academien, the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters on 20 March 1753. Today, as the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, it promotes and funds research in the humanities and social sciences and in cultural heritage management. Its work is financed by donations and by public and private foundations.

Peter Gillgren, Professor of Art History, is the Academy President.

Karin Helander, Professor Emerita of Theatre Studies, is Secretary General.

Anders Cullhed, Professor Emeritus of Literature, is a working member.


Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award

Professor Emerita of Literature Boel Westin is chair of the jury.

The Board of the Society of Art Historians

The Society of Art Historians was founded in 1914 and has the publishing of Journal of Art History as its primary purpose. Professor Jessica Sjöholm Skrubbe is chairperson. Among the board members is Professor Hans Hayden.

Skansen open-air museum

Professor of Art History Catharina Nolin is a member of the board of the Skansen Foundation.

Stockholm Beauty Council

Professor of Art History Catharina Nolin is a member.

International Association for Word and Music Studies (WMA)

Professor of Literature Axel Englund is President.


The Department of Culture and Aesthetics is supported by the following foundations:

  • Vetenskapsrådet
  • Riksbankens jubileumsfond
  • Nordforsk
  • Wenner-Gren-stiftelserna
  • Sverige-Amerika stiftelsen
  • Tjeckiska vetenskapsakademien
  • Utbildningsdepartementet
  • Svenska barnboksinstitutet
  • Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien

The Department of Culture and Aesthetics collaborates with the following organisations:

  • Magasin 3
  • Moderna Museet
  • Artipelag
  • Bonniers konsthall
  • Botkyrka konsthall
  • ArkDes
  • Konsthall C
  • Marabouparken
  • Östasiatiska museet
  • Iaspis
  • Tensta konsthall
  • Statens kulturråd
  • Konstnärsnämnden
  • Stockholms stadsteater
  • Dramaten
  • Millesgården
  • IFTR/FIRT (International Federaton of Theatre Research)
  • ASTR (American Society for Theatre Research)
  • SDHS (The Society of Dance History Scholars)
  • Teatersamlingarna vid Statens musikverk
  • Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Musik- och teatermuseet
  • Kungliga vitterhetsakademien
  • Drottningholms slottsteater
  • Drottningholmsteaterns vänner
  • Dansmuseet
  • Nordiska teaterforskare
  • NOFOD Nordiskt forum för dansforskning
  • Svensk teaterunion ITI
  • Thielska galleriet
  • Konserthuset
  • Operan
  • Berwaldhallen
  • MDT
  • Strindbergs Intima Teater

The Department of Culture and Aesthetics collaborate with the following colleges and universities.

  • Göteborg University
  • Konstfack. University of Arts, Crafts and Design
  • Stockholm University of the Arts
  • Södertörn University
  • Uppsala University

Doctoral school in the History of Political Thought

During the years 2023–2027 doctoral education is provided in collaboration with Uppsala University, Gothenburg University and Södertörn University. It is partly financed by the Swedish Research Council. The PhD students study six courses together, while participating in each institution's research and other activities. Two of the PhD students are doing their postgraduate studies at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics.


Barnboken: Journal of Children's Literature Research

Barnboken: Journal of Children's Literature Research is a scholarly Open Access journal that publishes academic articles on children’s literature. All content is free from access barriers, allowing for global distribution.

Maria Andersson, Associate Professor of Literature, is editor in chief.

Journal of Art History

Journal of Art History is edited by The Society of Art Historians and printed and distributed by the British publishing house Taylor & Francis. The journal has four issues per year.

Journal of Art History has the highest ranking in The Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers, which rates scholarly publishing channels worldwide. This acknowledges that the journal is a publishing channel of the highest international standard. The journal is one of only twenty well-reputed journals on art history in the world that has been granted the highest ranking, and the only one in the Nordic countries.

Professor Jessica Sjöholm Skrubbe is editor in chief. Among the associate editors are Professor Andrea Kollnitz and Professor Katarina Wadstein MacLeod.

Journal of Literary Science

Journal of Literary Science publishes four issues per year and focuses on a wide range of literary and interdisciplinary issues. The publication circulates between the country's literary studies institutions in two-year intervals. In 2023–2024, the editorial office is located at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics at Stockholm University. Editors-in-chief are Professor Frida Beckman and Postdoc Ellen Frödin.


Association of Nordic Theatre Scholars A network for Nordic theatre researchers.

Nordic Forum for Dance Research (NOFOD) A non-profit organization that promotes collaboration between dance scholars and practitioners.

Nordic Network of Narrative Studies The network was formally founded at a meeting at Tartu University, Estonia in February 2007 and aims at bringing together different strands of Nordic based research on narrative production and use.

Philosophy and Literature A collaborative project between Literature at Stockholm University and Czech Academy of Science.

Representational Machines: Photography and the Production of Space A Collaborative Research Network and publication.

The Experience of Exile A Nordic interdisciplinary research network that was founded in 2008. The network arranges conferences and workshops in Stockholm, Aarhus, Oslo and Bergen.

The International Federation for Theatre Research An organization to facilitate communication and exchange between scholars of theatre and performance research throughout the world through its conference events and publishing activities.

Transnational Perspectives on Women’s Art, Feminism and Curating A Leverhulme Trust funded International Research Network.

Swedish and Scandinavian networks

Tidigmoderna seminariegruppen A network for PhD students and newly qualified researchers at the Art History, Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University, who work with widely different subjects and perspectives on the period 1600-1800.

Barnelitteraturens kunstneriske verdi A network between he Norwegian Institute for Children’s Books,  Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, University of Stavanger and Stockholm University. The network was started in 2008 with the aim of promoting communication between researchers working with children's literature.

Barockakademien A meeting place for researchers dealing with the history of early modern culture in Sweden, Europe and the world.

Högre seminariet för fotoforskning A Swedish for photographic research. Contact:

Richard Julin, Artistic Director,  Astrid Söderbergh Widding, Stockholm University President, Magnus Huss, Marketing Director at Akademiska hus at the Accelerator opening in 2019

Accelerator is an exhibition space where art, science and societal issues meet. It is part of Stockholm University. The mission of Accelerator is to engage actively with society, producing exhibitions presenting international and Swedish contemporary art.

Accelerator organises a public program of presentations and talks with artists, researchers, students and the general public. Accelerator’s programme is driven by an ambition to contribute towards a transparent and empathetic society by opening up opportunities for art to spark discussions and interdisciplinary dialogue.

The International Master's Programme in Curating, including Art, Management and Law at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, is one of the main initiators of Accelerator, which has become a new public venue for interdisciplinary collaborations between contemporary arts, science and research, that opened on the university campus in 2019.

Mårten Snickare framför en vägg med bokhyllor
Mårten Snickare.
Photo: Sören Andersson / Stockholm University

Mårten Snickare, Professor of Art History at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, is the Administrative Director.


Curating Art: Navigating Across Borders

A conversation at Accelerator with MA students of the International Master's Programme in Curating. Recorded in 2020.





Head of the department
Communications officer and web manager
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