
Information for you who are employed at the Department of Environmental Science.

Here are links to our internal resources, and some of Stockholm University's central resources. Here is also information that can be good for our employees to know.


New at ACES?

Introduction for new colleagues at ACES (241 Kb)


Some useful links

To ACES resources

ACES intranet

ACES webmail

To SU resources

Staff pages - Support systems


Environmental action plan and local policies


Environmental action plan for ACES 2024

EAP_ACES_2024_eng (201 Kb)


Local policies at ACES

Policy_for_meetings_ACES (135 Kb)

Policy for meals at the department (140 Kb)

Policy about purchase of computers (ACES intranet)


Classrooms in Geobuilding
ACES rents a number of classrooms in the Geobuilding for courses, teaching and when available also for other activities such as seminars and meetings.

ACES classrooms are:

  • Y10 (38 seats)
  • U12 (25 seats)
  • B233 (28 seats)
  • Y12 and Y13 (15+15 seats, split room)

ACES also shares two lecture halls with Physical Geography:

  • DeGeersalen (108 seats)
  • Högbomsalen (61 seats)

If you want to book a room you can start by checking availability of ACES rooms through the link below, before you email to get help with making the booking in TimeEdit (system for schedules and room bookings).

Link to ACES classrooms booking overview

The meeting rooms Brögger, Duvslaget and Video conference room can be booked by all ACES staff in Outlook Calendar.


The Department of Environmental Sceince offers over 30 courses yearly. Within the subject Environmental Science we have a Bachelor's Programme and two Master's Programmes. Within the subject of Environment and Health Protection we have a Master's Programme and a one year course package.
Below you find overviews of the courses we offer in the spring and autumn term.

Kursöversikt VT24 - Course overview spring 2024-2 (130 Kb)

Kursöversikt HT24_Course overview 2024v2 (292 Kb)



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