
We offer certified standards and analyses for measurements in both air and water

For specific enquiries, please contact the person(s) responsible for the facility of interest.


The National Reference laboratory for Air Quality - Measurements

The National Reference Laboratory for Air Quality is a support function for the Swedish municipalities in their task to measure air quality. We provide national standards for nitrogen oxides, NOx, and particle mass, PM, in outdoor air and are accredited according to ISO 17025. We also offer calibration services of ozone instruments using a Standard Reference Photometer.


Agnes Stenlund

Emelie Graham

You can find more information about what we do on our Swedish Reference laboratory home page.

Reflab - measurements home page (In Swedish only)


Proficiency tests for environmental analysis

The Department of Environmental Science at Stockholm University organizes proficiency tests with an environmental focus for water laboratories performing chemical, physical and sensory analyses.


Marsha Hanson

Marcus Sundbom

Please see our Proficiency Tests homepage more more information


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