During your studies

Here we have gathered all the practical information you may need during your studies at the Department of Physics.

Översiktschema fysikm.

Following the link below, you will find the overview schedule for the current academic year. The schedule only covers courses at the Department of Physics, including mandatory courses given by other departments in our programmes.


If you have any questions or want help planning your studies, you are welcome to contact our academic advisor.

Please note that not all courses are given every academic year. A small number of courses alternate with each other, so that a certain course is given every two years.

Alternating courses


Study information

Please see below for practica information about your studies at the Department of Physics.

Student taking notes
Photo: Viktor Gårdsäter

To study a course at the Department of Physics, there are three steps that must be completed. First you need to apply to the course, then be admitted and then you have to register.

Note that you must apply to courses before each semester. This also applies if you are admitted to a programme.

Read more about admission and registration for a course

Student during class
Photo: Niklas Björling

Courses are normally concluded with a written exam. You can see when your exam is scheduled in the examination timetable.

Examination timetable

Here we have gathered information about the examination timetable for the current academic year, including resit exams, and our exam rules.

Read more about exams

Everyone who wants to write an exam in a course at the Department of Physics, both ordinary and resits, must register at the latest one week in advance. If you have been recommended special pedagogical support you should inform us about it at least two weeks in advance. From June 10 2024 all registration for exams and re-exams are done in Ladok. 

Register to an exam

For laboratory reports, there are special guidelines regarding time for submission and correction. These apply unless otherwise announced by the course coordinator. All time limits refer to term time. In the event of a documented illness or other serious obstacle, the examiner for the course may grant an exemption from these rules.

  1. The student must submit his or her report no later than two weeks after the laboratory session.
  2. If a report is not approved, the student has the right to submit an improved version for re-assessment within two weeks of receiving his or her unapproved report. However, the maximum number of versions submitted is 4. If you miss a deadline for the first or later versions, this will be counted as an unapproved version. In the event of a further delay, another submission attempt will be lost for each two-week period in which you have not submitted your report. For example, this means that if you have not submitted the first version of your report eight weeks after the laboratory session, you have lost the opportunity to have it corrected.
  3. If the final version (according to point 2) is not approved, the laboratory exercise must be done again the next time the lab is offered.
  4. The first version of a report submitted on time shall be corrected and returned no later than two weeks after the last day of submission. It must be clear whether the report is approved or not and, if applicable, what grade (or other assessment / scoring) is given to the work.
  5. Later versions shall be corrected within three weeks of their submission.
  6. A student who has not received feedback within the above time limits may contact the director of studies or the responsible of the programme, who will then discuss with the examiner. 

Official eligibility criteria for each course within our different physics programmes are written in the respective course syllabi. If a student fails to meet the official eligibility criteria, exemptions from the official entry requirements may sometimes be granted.

Here is a document that serves as a guideline for evaluating students' progression within and across some of our programmes*: Assessment policy (215 Kb)


*Bachelor programme in Astronomy and Astrophysics (NASAK), Bachelor programme in Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climate Physics (NMTTK), Bachelor programme in Physics (NFYSK), Medical Radiation Physics programme (NSFKY), Course Package (FK5900), and Master’s programme in Medical Radiation Physics (NMSFO).

At the Department of Physics and Stockholm University, there are a number of different IT services for students. Here we have collected links to systems, tools and services that you need.

IT-systems for students


If you have completed other studies that correspond to one or more courses at Fysikum, you have the opportunity to apply for what is called credit transfer. When applying for a credit transfer, we assess how your previous studies correspond to the courses given at Fysikum. It is therefore important that you enclose sufficient documentation so that we can make an assessment. 

In order for us to be able to grant a credit transfer, you must be an active student, i.e., you are admitted to and conduct studies at Stockholm University. If your application for credit is not granted, you have the opportunity to appeal. Information on how to do this will be attached to the decision if the transfer is denied.

Application for credit transfer is submitted directly in Ladok. 

Do you want to influence your education? As a student, there are a number of things you can do. You can, for instance, vote in the student union election, join a student or doctoral council, become a student representative or exercise your influence through course evaluations.

Student influence is also an important part of Stockholm University's quality work. For example, the university conducts systematic reviews of all courses and programmes to ensure their quality.

Infromation about how to influence your education at SU

Below you find information about the Department of Physics organization and committee’s that have student representatives:



Study break or withdrawal

Sometimes things do not go as planned. There are many different reasons why you may need to take a break, or even withdraw completely from your studies.


If you do not have the opportunity to study for a certain period, but plan to continue studying later, you can apply for approved leave from studies. In order for you to be granted this, which guarantees a place upon return, special reasons are required by law (e.g., long-term illness, parental leave, military service). It is possible to take a study break for other reasons as well, but in this case resuming your studies is subject to availability. As a rule, a break of up to one year is granted at a time. Applications for approved leave from studies are best made through our form below. 

Application for approved leave from studies. (43 Kb)

When you want to resume your studies, you are responsible for contacting us well in advance of the course start. You might also need to apply for the course/courses via universityadmissions.se.

You can withdraw from a course in Ladok.

Withdrawals made within three weeks after the start of the course are called early withdrawals and mean that you can apply for the course again at a later time. Withdrawals made later than three weeks after the start of the course mean that you cannot apply for the course again. If you want to resume your studies after a break, contact the student office for possible re-registration. Re-registration for courses always takes place subject to availability.


Master's degree project

Student with a laptop.


All our master’s programmes include a final degree project. This is usually a good opportunity to study a topic of your interest more in depth.

More information about degree projects


Magnus Axelsson Prize

A teacher showing two students equations on a whiteboard
Teacher educating two students. Foto: Jens Olof Lasthein

The Magnus Axelsson Prize is awarded annually to a student or a PhD student who presents an innovative idea for educational development within a course/programme at the Department of Physics (Fysikum) and/or the Department of Astronomy, or within outreach.

Read more about Magnus Axelsson prize




Student life at Fysikum

Glada studenter sitter på gräsmatta.
Photo: Niklas Björling /Stockholm University


Studying means much more than going to lectures and sitting exams. In order for studies to be successful, they should also mean having fun and enjoying yourself.

There are many opportunities for you as a student at the Department of Physics to get involved in activities beyond just taking your courses. Whether you are interested in gaining influence over your education or having an interesting and active social life, both the Department of Physics and the university centrally offer a wealth of options.

Student life


Help and support

Studievägledare i samtal.

There may be times during your studies when you need support and guidance, or have someone to talk to. Following the link below you will find information on where to turn.

Getting support during your studies

The University should be a working and learning environment free from discrimination and harassement. If you need help with these issues, you should contact Fysikum's equal opportunities representative:

Equal rights and opportunities at the Department of Physics



You are welcome to contact the student office for practical questions about your studies at the Department of Physics, or the Academic advisor for questions about registration, admission, study breaks, the labor market and more. If you have questions concerning for example the development of educations and courses, you are welcome to contact the Director of undergraduate studies.

Student Office
Academic advisor
International coordinator
Director of Undergraduate Studies
On this page