Report from the NornDip conference

This year the conference was given at the University of Bergen in Norway, May 7-8. The theme of the conference was “Smoothening the bumpy road – on gender microagressions”. During the conference seminars on physics was mixed with seminars on gender and diversity topics.

Most members of the board of NornDip met at the conference in Bergen.
Most members of the board of NornDip met at the conference in Bergen.

NornDip is a Nordic Network for Diversity in Physics. It was founded in 2018 and with financial support from Nordforsk we have every year organized a conference in one of the Nordic countries. Barbro Åsman has been the driving person behind NornDip. 

Christiane Helling from Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences was invited to give a seminar about the micro physics of cloud formation in exoplanet atmospheres. Adrienne Lorelei Traxler, Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen gave a seminar with the title “Counting and context: Gender, physics, and methods in tension”. 
Supriya Krishnamurthy gave a seminar with the title “Entropy production in non-equilibrium systems”.
The funding for the network from Nordforsk has now ended. However, the board of NornDip has decided to continue to organize these conferences in the Nordic countries. 

/ Barbro Åsman, Professor emerita and Åsa Larson, Professor, both from Fysikum, Stockholm University.


More information

NORNDiP - Nordic Network for Diversity in Physics

6th Annual Conference of the Nordic Network for Diversity in Physics, NORNDiP