Information for admitted PhD students

Here you will find detailed information about the PhD programme.



Most courses on the PhD programme are mandatory and included in the first year of studies. In addition to the mandatory courses there is a selection of optional courses.

All courses that give credits, and mandatory elements that do not, are stated in the  Allmän studieplan (404 Kb) and course list adopted by the Department board.

SV4001D: Research problems in Political Science, 7,5 ECTS

The course aims to provide an orientation in research problems in political science and an enhanced ability to identify, describe, construct and evaluate research problems.

Contact person:
Niklas Bremberg

Syllabus in Swedish:
SV4001D: Statsvetenskapliga forskningsproblem, 7,5hp (123 Kb)

SV4002D: Applied methods, 7,5 ECTS

The course involves the identification of a central methods problem, not necessarily related to the dissertation, and the development of a solution to this with the aim of becoming thoroughly acquainted with a certain method. The course further provides continued orientation in the methods applied within the group and is examined through participation in a national methods retreat.

Contact person:
Kåre Vernby

Syllabus in Swedish:
SV4002D: Metod i praktiken, 7,5hp (51 Kb)

SV4003D: Methods course, 15 ECTS

The course consists of four different modules, philosophy of science, quantitative methods, methods for analyzing text and comparative and case study methods. The course provides an orientation in different methods in order to enable an informed selection of method and broaden political science perspectives. The course is organized in collaboration with Uppsala University.

Contact person:
Ludvig Norman & Ludvig Beckman

Syllabus in Swedish:
SV4003D: Metodkurs, 15hp (75 Kb)

SV4004D: Political Science Research Fields I-II, 15 ECTS:

The course aims to enhance the knowledge of what constitutes a research field and how it is defined, the significance of previous research for the research process and its place in the design of a research project. The course also brings up strategies for systematic reading and information about how to search for and handle information. During the course, a literature list and a description of the research field/s is developed.

Contact person:
Ludvig Norman

Syllabus in Swedish:
SV4004D: Statsvetenskapliga forskningsfält I-II, 15hp (111 Kb)

SV4006D: Introduction to teaching in Political Science, 5 ECTS

The aim of the course is to develop the abilities of the participants to teach courses in political science in higher education and at the Department of Political Science at Stockholm University in particular.

This is done through a mix of activities and exercises in which doctoral students, individually and in groups, are introduced to teaching in theory and practice.

Contact person:
Maria-Therese Gustafsson

Course description:
SV4006D: Introduction to teaching in Political Science, 5 ECTS (76 Kb)

SV4007D: Multiperspectival Security and Insecurity, 7,5 ECTS

This course is intended to cultivate the interdisciplinary study of Security and Insecurity by introducing doctoral students to five research themes on central theoretical and empirical work by several disciplines across social sciences, the humanities and law. The choice of themes is motivated by their centrality in different disciplinary debates, their multiple perspectives, and/or varying epistemological underpinnings. The course will be co-taught by two teachers from different disciplines so as to highlight the ways studies on Security and Insecurity contribute to interdisciplinary perspectives and research.

Contact person:
Ulrika Mörth

Course description:
SV4007D: Multiperspectival Security and Insecurity, 7,5 ECTS (34 Kb)

For more information about the courses, please contact the Director of PhD Studies.

Ph.D. courses at the Faculty of Social Sciences

Some Ph.D. courses at the Faculty are open for all Ph.D. Candidates from the different Departments.

More information about those courses here


An individual study plan is set up for every new Ph.D. student in consultation with the supervisor, no later than three months after admission. The individual study plan consists of a basic contact as well as an annual review document (see descriptions below).

The Ph.D. student is required to follow the individual study plan in essence. A Ph.D. student who significantly disregards his/her study plan can have the right to supervision and other support for Ph.D. studies withdrawn by the University Chancellor (see the Implementation regulations).

Basic contract

The basic contract serves to define the terms of the Ph.D. student’s admittance, on matters such as the required proportions of course and thesis credits, the appointed main supervisor and supervisor, the form of funding and expected time of disputation. The basic contract also includes a rough plan for the entire study period.

The contract is signed by the Ph.D. student, the main supervisor, the supervisor and the Chair of the Department Board/equivalent. If the Ph.D. student changes supervisors during the course of studies the basic contract has to be renewed.

Annual review

Attached with the basic contract is an “Annual review” document which, in contrast to the basic contract, has to be updated yearly. The annual review contains a plan for the coming year and – after the first year of studies – information about completed credits, a specification of completed courses as well as a follow up on whether the studies are proceeding according to the plan set up in the basic contract, or not.

The annual review is done by the Ph.D. student and the supervisors, normally during the autumn semester. The annual review is signed by the Ph.D. student, the main supervisor and the Chair of the Department Board/equivalent.

The department is currently moving the individual study plans to a digital system, d-ISP. The majority of PhD students admitted after 2019 will from the autumn of 2022 only have their individual study plans digitally.



General syllabus

The general syllabus for Ph.D. studies in political science is decided on by the Faculty of Social Sciences at Stockholm University. General regulations regarding Ph.D. studies can be found in the Higher Education Ordinance (Högskoleförordningen). Ph.D. studies are offered to the extent that available resources allow.

In the syllabus you will find information about the learning objectives, eligibility and prerequisites, the admission procedure, the content and structure of the education, and so on.

General syllabus for PhD students (174 Kb)

(Adopted by the Faculty of Social Sciences on 2012-04-03. Date of latest revision: 2018-01-23.)

Implementing regulations

In the implementing regulations for Ph.D. studies you will for example find information about the courses, supervising, thesis work and funding.

Implementation regulations (362 Kb)

The implementing regulations were adopted by the Board of the Department 2017-05-02.



The courses that a PhD student takes as part of the programme have to be reported in Ladok. The administrator for PhD studies is responsible for the reporting. The reported courses, along with the passed dissertation, make up the basis for your degree. You can see which of your courses have been reported on Ladok.

Courses at the department

Courses taken at the department are reported by the examiner. The student does not have to report any information.

Reading courses

The supervisor or responsible teacher consults with the director of studies for approval of the reading course. The teacher responsible for the course then report to the Administrator for PhD studies so that the course can be registered in Ladok.

Courses that have been studied abroad, at other universities, at other institutions, conference participation or similar activities

Courses that have been read abroad, at other universities, at other institutions, conference attendance or the like shall be registered as a credit transfer in Ladok.

Credit transfer is registered when the supervisor of the PhD candidate hand in a course certificate / diploma or any other certificate that confirms the student's participation at the course.

The application should be submitted as soon as the course has been completed. Courses that are to be transferred need to be approved by both the supervisor and the Director of PhD studies.

To apply for a credit transfer, please fill out the form below in accordance with the instructions:

Credit transfer (48 Kb)



Below you will find information about the matters that you need to consider when it comes to the planning of your public defense, and who to turn to at the different stages of the process. Some arrangements are handled at the central level at Stockholm University, while you and your supervisor are responsible for others. It is therefore important that you read the information about the different steps leading up to your defense here.

The Administrator of PHD studies, Oskar Eriksson is mainly responsible at the department for the practical and administrative work involved in planning your defense.

It varies how much time is needed for the planning of a defense, but oftentimes PHD students begin with the planning around three months prior to the defense date. Before then, your supervisor needs to have taken the initiative to have an opponent and dissertation committee appointed by the faculty. Below is a list of the administrative steps that you as a student are responsible for:

1. All courses completed
2. Contact the Administrator of PHD studies about the time and place
3. Book the defense with the Student Services
4. Contact the university library
5. Dissertation formalities
6. Reception and dissertation party
7. Apply for your degree

1. All courses completed

Prior to your defense, please check if all your course credits have been reported. In order to be able to apply for your degree it has to be reported in Ladok that all your courses are completed (“Alla kurser klara”). The courses have to be approved by you, your supervisor and by the Director of PHD studies. Please contact the Administrator of PHD studies for more information.

2. Contact the Administrator of PHD studies regarding the time and place

When you have chosen a date and time for the defense in consultation with your supervisor, the dissertation committee and your opponent, please contact the Administrator of PHD studies to make sure there is a suitable lecture hall available.

3. Book the defense with the Student Services

You then need to book the defense date with the Student Services, well in advance. Please find more information here.

4. Contact the university library

The doctoral student should book a meeting with the university library at least 30 days prior to the public notification date (“spikdagen”) to receive information about the process of printing the dissertation and to set a time plan. Please find more information here.

All dissertations must have a so called “ISBN number”, which is provided by the university library. Before printing your dissertation you have to contact the Administrator of PHD studies and state the number you have been given.

In addition, all dissertations need an ISSN number (the department’s number). When you contact the Administrator of PHD studies with your ISBN number you will receive the ISSN number back, as well as a list of all dissertations previously published by the department. An updated list is put at the back of each new dissertation.

- Visual identity
There are rules of how dissertations published at Stockholm University should look. Read more about the visual identity here.

- Printing
It is your responsibility to contact the university library to arrange for the printing of your dissertation. Please find more information here.

By order of the Head of Department each dissertation should be printed in 180 copies. Have the order delivered to the department by stating the address of the postal room on the 7th floor.

When the dissertation has been printed and delivered, the Administrator of PHD studies needs to be notified. The administrator is responsible for dispatching the dissertations. You are responsible for providing the addresses of the dissertation committee members and the opponent in good time.

At least three weeks before the defense is taking place the administrator will send your dissertation to the opponent and members of the dissertation committee. You will receive 50 copies to distribute freely. The copies that are left will be available for sale at the department (the Administrator of PHD studies is responsible for the selling). Only five copies will be kept in the archive after five years.

The department covers the printing costs, and the invoice will be sent from the university library directly to the department’s Financial Officer.

5. Dissertation formalities

- Abstract
According to the Stockholm University Rules & regulations on Education at PHD level & research (Book 2) all doctoral and licentiate dissertations written in Swedish need an abstract in English, and vice-versa.

- Nailing your dissertation
In keeping with the vice-chancellor’s directives, dissertation defenses are announced in DiVa (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet) on the dissertation-nailing day, three weeks prior to the public defense. Please find more information about how to nail your dissertation and how to create the nailing page here.

- List of previous dissertations
At the back of each new dissertation there needs to be a list of all dissertations previously published by the department. You will get the list from the Administrator of PHD studies after you have received your ISBN number from the library (see point 4).

6. Reception and dissertation party

If you wish, you can have a reception at the department after your public defense. The reception is arranged by the Administrator of PHD studies. Please contact the Administrator well in advance to book a room (usually F702) and let her know the requests you may have.

A dissertation party is arranged by the PHD student him- or herself, and the department has no guidelines for it.

7. Apply for your degree

When the successful public defense has been reported in Ladok (as well as all other course credits), then you can apply for your degree.


The Ph.D. council at the Department of Political Science monitors issues related to postgraduate education and the doctoral student's working environment at the department. They also elect representatives to the department board, faculty council and various working groups at the department.


Chairman: Sara Moritz.


The PhD Study Council (Forskarutbildningsrådet – FUR) is the department’s main forum for deliberation and discussion of issues related to PhD studies and research. The council is made up by the teachers who act as main supervisors or assisting supervisors for doctoral students, as well as the professors and associate professors with senior lecturer competences who are not currently acting supervisors. The council also includes two doctoral student representatives who are appointed by the doctoral student council.

Chairman: Ludvig Beckman

Secretary: Oskar Eriksson




Director of PhD Studies
Administrator of PhD Studies

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