
The department employs around 70 people. The Head of Department is responsible for all activities of the department, with the support of the Deputy Head of Department and the Head of Administration.

The highest decision-making body at the Department of Public Health Sciences is the Department Board (IS), which consists of staff and students at the department. IS decides on financial resources and budget, as well as on important guidelines regarding teaching and examination. The composition of the Departmental Board ensures the representation of researchers, technical / administrative staff and students.


The Department is directed by the Head of Department, who is chair of the Department Board, and a Deputy Head of Department, who is vice chair of the Board.

The Head of Department leads and organises the work at the department, and is responsible for the day-to-day administration and operational activities. The Head of Department has employer responsibility (including setting salaries) and is responsible for the physical and psychosocial work environment of staff and students at PHS.

The Head of Administration leads the administrative work at the department. The work includes responsibility for overall planning, coordination, and development of administrative routines and for handling cases in finances, human resources, study administration, study counselling, communications, and IT.

The Management Group is an advisory support to the Head and Deputy Head of Department, and to the Department Board. The Management Group consists of the Head of Department, the Deputy Head of Department and the Head of Administration. The Mansgegment Group also includes the Directors of Studies for education at undergraduate and advanced level, and at doctoral level.


The Department Board is the highest decision-making body at the Department of Public Health Sciences. The Board is chaired by the Head of Department and includes elected representatives of faculty, administrative staff, doctoral students, undergraduate and graduate students.

Department Board composition


Head of Department

Jenny Cisneros Örnberg, Chair

Deputy Head of Department

Peter Wennberg, Vice chair


Andrea Dunlavy
Agneta Cederström
Jonas Landberg
Peter Larm
Lisa Berg
Shona Mc Lean (representative för T/A personell)

Deputy Members

Lisa Berg
Karl Gauffin
Anders Ledberg
Maria Granvik Saminathen
Vivien Boldis (doktorandgruppen)
Håkan Soold (Representative of Administrative Staff)

Student Representatives

Joakim Wahlström (doktorandgruppen)
Isabell Kjellberg (studentgruppen, masternivå)
Hanna-Maria Asgedom (studentgruppen, kandidatnivå)

Previous Department Board Composition

Department board members 180701-201231


The department's organisation is based on three main areas of activity: Education, Research and Administration. A well-functioning department requires a clear relation and cooperation within and between management, researching and teaching staff and administrative staff.  To ensure this, the Department has created various working groups.

RALV, the local council for working environment and equal conditions, functions as the head of the department's advisory body for issues concerning working environment, equal conditions and environment.

The Management Group acts as an advisory body to the Head of Department and Deputy Head of Ddepartment.

For the education area, the activities are supported by the Teachers' Council (LK), the Supervisors' College (HK), and the Working Group for Quality Assured Education in Public Health Sciences (KUF).

The Professors' Council is the Head of the Department's forum for dialogue with professors at the Department of Public Health Scienes, with a focus on research.


In January 2018, the research centres SoRAD and CHESS jointly formed the Department of Public Health Sciences. Both CHESS and SoRAD are led by a Board and a head of the Centre. Both boards concist of a Chair and four board members, appointed for a period of three years by the Vice Chancellor of Stockholm University.





The purpose of the local RALV group (Council for Work Environment and Equal Conditions) is to ensure equal conditions for all employees and to safeguard and improve our work environment.

The RALV group consists of representatives of all employment categories, and also includes student representatives.

•    Peter Wennberg (chair)
•    Jukka Törrönen (professors)
•    Håkan Soold (administration)
•    Tove Sohlberg (safety representative)
•    Maria Granvik Saminathen (researchers)
•    Peter Larm (lecturers)
•    Lisa Bornscheuer (PhD students)
•    Hanna-Maria Asgedom (students)
•    Marc Miller (students)


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