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Master's programme in public health sciences: individual perspectives

Do you want to know more about what influences people's health?

Information for admitted students autumn 2024

Congratulations! You have been admitted at Stockholm University and we hope that you will enjoy your studies with us.

In order to ensure that your studies begin as smoothly as possible we have compiled a short checklist for the beginning of the semester.

Follow the instructions on whether you have to reply to your offer or not.


Checklist for admitted students

  1. Activate your university account

    The first step in being able to register and gain access to all the university's IT services.

  2. Register at your department

    Registration can be done in different ways. Read the instructions from your department below.

  3. Read all the information on this page

    Here you will find what you need to know before your course or programme starts.


Your seat may be withdrawn if you do not register according to the instructions provided by your department.

Information from your department

On this page you will shortly find information on registration, learning platform, etc.

Welcome activities

Stockholm University organises a series of welcome activities that stretch over a few weeks at the beginning of each semester. The programme is voluntary (attendance is optional) and includes Arrival Service at the airport and an Orientation Day, see more details about these events below.
Your department may also organise activities for welcoming international students. More information will be provided by your specific department. 


Find your way on campus

Stockholm University's main campus is in the Frescati area, north of the city centre. While most of our departments and offices are located here, there are also campus areas in other parts of the city.

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New in Sweden

Public health sciences encompass many different perspectives. Our courses on public health and its determinants are firmly rooted in the social sciences.

If you study with us, you will learn about the distribution of (poor) health across different groups in society; what it looks like today but also what it looked like in the past. You will learn more about social and societal structures and how these, through the interplay with individual characteristics, may influence people's habits and living conditions. We go deeper into the ways in which health and disease develop throughout the life course, from childhood to old age. You will also get to know more about how public health policy and practice has developed over time, at both the regional and global levels, as well as gain insights into different measures taken to prevent disease and promote health.

Individual perspectives on public health

The Master's programme in public health sciences offers two tracks during the third term. The track "Individual perspectives on public health" includes courses that reflect psychological topics such as stress, sleep, behaviours, as well as public health practice related to prevention, intervention, and health promotion.

You will find information on the track "Societal perspectives on public health" here:

Master's programme in Public Health Sciences: Societal perspectives on public health

The subject of public health sciences is the perfect choice for those wanting a social science education in order to work with, for example, investigations and preventive measures in municipalities and regions, strategic public health work in governmental agencies and the private sector, issues related to health and health care, as well as international aid.

As a public health scientist, you can work with municipalities, regions, governmental agencies, organisations, and companies, both in Sweden and internationally.

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