Person-oriented methods (3 ECTS)

The course "Person-oriented methods (PH021F1)" will focus on understanding individuals' unique characteristics and how they can be grouped into distinct subgroups within a population.

Course dates

Spring 2024, April, 15th - April, 26th.

Application deadline: April, 2nd, 2024.

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PH021F1_kursplan_giltig från 2024 (79 Kb)  

Course content

Person-oriented methods focus on understanding individuals' unique characteristics and how they can be grouped into distinct subgroups within a population. These methods emphasize that people are different and that there are variations in how they respond to different phenomena. Some key points about person-oriented methods are described below.

Heterogeneity: Person-oriented methods assume that populations are heterogeneous, meaning there are different groups or patterns of responses within a population.

Patterns and Profiles: Instead of just looking at individual variables, person-oriented methods examine patterns and profiles of variables to identify groups of individuals who share similar characteristics or behaviors.

Holistic View: These methods consider the individual as a whole and take into account all their characteristics and responses, rather than breaking them down into isolated variables.

Diversity in Approaches: Person-oriented methods can employ various statistical techniques, such as cluster analysis or configurational frequency analysis, to identify and describe different subgroups. Person-oriented methods are used in various fields such as psychology, education, and health to understand complex patterns and variations within populations.

The purpose of the course is to provide an overview of person-oriented methods and an opportunity for the student to try applying person-oriented analyses themselves.

Course manager

Peter Wennberg

Course literature

The current literature list will be available at least two months before the course starts.

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If you are interested in taking the course, please send an email to our study administrator

N.B. Application deadline April, 2nd, 2024.

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