New Nordic addiction research presented at a conference in Stockholm

New research on alcohol, tobacco, drugs, doping and gambling (ANDTG) with an emphasis on comparing Nordic experience was presented at a conference hosted by the Center for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs (SoRAD) and the Department of Public Health Sciences at Stockholm University 17–19 April.

Researchers in discussion at the ANDTG conference in Stockholm
Researchers engaged in discussion at the ANDTG conference in Stockholm. Researchers from the Department of Public Health Sciences at Stockholm University: Tove Sohlberg with the microphone and Jessica Storbjörk to the right. Photo: Mikaela Lindeman, PopNAD.

The three-day conference Nordic Comparative Research on Addictive Substances and Behaviours – Advancing by Comparing brought together around 70 people from the ANDTG-field. In a recent article, popular science website PopNAD has published an article reporting on the conference, highlighting a few of the many presentations on current projects and research topics given during the three days. PopNAD also sums up three take home messages from the conference with three take home-messages in in the rethroc manner of the President of Finland, Alexander Stubb:

  • The conference was a valuable and welcome effort to remind us about the importance of maintaining a strong network in our region, and within the ANDTG-community.
  • It also served as a stepping stone for further collaboration opportunities.
  • After all, the Nordic welfare states are much alike, and as we face similar challenges in the public health field we might as well tackle them more efficiently together.

PopNAD´s article on the conference Nordic Comparative Research on Addictive Substances and Behaviours – Advancing by Comparing.

Håkan Soold