The nomination process

Students and employees at Stockholm University may nominate a teacher to “The Award for Good Teaching" from January to March. The nominee must teach at the university's education and be permanently employed at Stockholm University.

How are the recipients of "The Award for Good Teaching" chosen?

The process of choosing the awarded teachers consists of the following steps:

  • The prize is administered by the Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching (CeUL).
  • The nominations sent in are sorted by institution and faculty. Subsequently, the nominations are sent to the respective department.
  • Each department in collaboration with student representatives prioritizes a candidate together and writes a motivation based on the criteria that apply to the prize.
  • The departments' highest prioritized nominations, as well as the original nominations for these, are anonymised and in order to then be assessed by a working group consisting of experienced higher education experts and representatives from the Stockholm University Student Union.
  • The working group draws up a proposal for a close group with 10 candidates among the nominees.
  • CeUL's Board of Directors discusses the working group's proposal for a close group and the candidates are ranked.
  • The final ranking is then submitted to the Vice-Rectors and the Rector for the final selection of one to five Laureates.
  • The President makes the final decision in June, and the winners are notified.

When are the winners announced?

The prize winners will be announced in June via the university web. The winners are invited to the annual promotions and installation ceremony in September, where they will receive their diploma.

The prize

The prize consists of a diploma and a sum of SEK 50,000, which is paid to each award winner's department and is to be used for the teacher's continued professional development.

Guidelines for the management of educational awards