Stockholm university

Seminar: Louisa Minkin


Date: Wednesday 3 May 2023

Time: 15.00 – 17.00

Location: Room 334

Louisa Minkin (London, UK) ‘Concepts Have Teeth, And Teeth That Bite Through Time: digital imaging and Blackfoot material culture in UK museums.’ 

Join via Zoom

“I was told we live with time in such a way that the past, present and future are always in the here and now.”    
John Murray, Amskapipiikani Cultural Heritage Officer  2021 
Concepts Have Teeth and its sister project on Blackfoot territory Mootookakio’ssin [Distant Awareness] aim to connect Blackfoot people living in North America with their cultural heritage held by museums in the UK. Directed by Knowledge Holders from the four Blackfoot nations Kainai, Piikani, Siksika, and Amskapipiikani, the project is a collaboration between Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers, artists, archaeologists, museum professionals and students. The project uses digital imaging techniques, art-based public engagement and spatial web technologies with the aim to improve the ability of Blackfoot people to interact with their historical belongings and recover and shape their own narratives surrounding them. Our project is founded on the core Blackfoot perspective that knowledge is something we have a responsibility to care for and to share