Stockholm university

Geological Sciences

In the broad bachelor’s programme Geology, geochemistry and geophysics, you learn the Earth’s structure and composition, chemical and physical processes, and development over time. You gain understanding of rocks and sediments, water and oceans, and climate and environment, and how they interact with life on Earth.

Subject description

The first year, you will learn the basics of geology like the structure of planet Earth, the rocks and minerals it consists of, the geologic time scale and the evolution of life. It also includes large-scale processes like plate tectonics, mountain building, volcanism and earthquakes.

You will also learn how the climate works, and the processes and chemical cycles behind climate change. In addition, you will learn the usefulness of various mathematical and statistical methods in geology. During excursions, you will learn the basics of geologic field work, to interpret your observations of landscape forms, sediment and rocks, and to collect geologic data.

Year two, you will advance your knowledge in the appearance, composition and formation of rocks and sediments, in sea floor mapping and the use of ocean sediments as climate archives, how the carbon cycle affects climate, and in mapping and understanding deformation of the Earth’s crust.

In the last year, you advance further with courses in some of the department’s research areas: marine geology, geochemistry or classic geology. You finish with an independent project in scientific research which you compile in a written report.

Geology, geochemistry and geophysics are subjects you need to touch and feel, which is why theoretical studies are mixed with practical moments like field studies, excursions in Sweden and abroad, and laboratory exercises.

Career opportunities

The education is broad and gives you many different possible professions in Sweden or abroad. Presently, most jobs are in building and construction or with ore mining and prospecting companies. Other important employers are consultancy firms, municipalities, universities and other government agencies.

The work often means sampling or measuring in the field or at sea, followed by lab-analyses, data processing, interpretation and presentation in reports and maps. The job market is today in balance.

Courses and programmes

The geological sciences are based on physical observations and therefore combine theoretical studies with practical elements such as laboratory work, field studies and excursions in Sweden and abroad.

Our Courses and programmes

  • PhD studies

    Research education in geology, geochemistry and geophysics builds on your graduate knowledge, and gives you the necessary expertise and skillset to perform independent research. It gives deepened proficiency in the latest research- and working methods.

    Become a researcher



Geological Sciences study the planet’s composition, history and dynamic processes, chemical cycles, oceans and climate. It provides crucial information to society about natural resources, energy, ground-water status, climate change and natural hazards like tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanoes.

Stockholm is a leading centre for geoscientific research in Sweden. Research at the Department of Geological Sciences is strongly integrated with the Bolin Centre for Climate Research and the Baltic Sea Centre.